Leon's Giggles

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Chap 16

After setting up the table they all sit down on the chairs to start eating.

Wally is holding baby Leon on his lap while Alli is feeding the baby with a teaspoon.
The baby will giggles every now and then and will move his arms up and down or kick his small legs.
Wally and Alli will take turn to tease the baby and they both laugh afterwards seeing the foolish baby laughing too.

Marvin is eating slowly and feels the warmth in the house is more apparent than the first time he step in.

Alli will not forget to put food to Wally and Marvin's plate.
While Wally encourage Alli and Marvin to eat.
The two are in complete sinc.
The baby will shakes it's head then eat at the second.
This is really cute.
Even Marvin laughs seeing it.

"The food is good. Really tasty. Thank you."
Marvin said blushing a bit.

"Here. I separate some so you can take it home.
I also heard from Wally that sister-in-law is pregnant? She needs more nutrients in her. Take these eggs to feed her. I also pack the remaining pastries. Make sure you eat it now or tomorrow morning so it won't get moldy."

"S-sister-in-law, this is too much."
Marvin shakes his head.

"How can it be too much? We are family so we have to help each other. Go take it or I will not let Wally to come to you to hunt tomorrow." Geo frowns.

Wally chuckles.
In his arm is the snoring baby.
"Just take it, tomorrow, do not be late for the hunt. It's getting dark. Go back home. I am sure Hannah is worrying."

"Uh....T-thank you."

Wally and Geo watches Marvin leaving back.
The guy sure looks ashamed and stuttering a lot.

"Thank you." Wally whispers and kisses Alli's hair.

Geo looks up at Wally and smile.
He hugs Wally's waist.

"I know you want to reconcile with your younger brothers. I will help you as much as I can."

Wally smiles.
"Marvin and Marco are good boys. They always help me even if step mom doesn't like me. But when I separate to the house they hate me. I know they also want to leave but they are filial."
Wally said sadly.
"I am not Step mom's real son so I use it as a reason to leave. But they are both her sons, they think I betray them and leave them alone to suffer alone."

Geo frowns.
"They already get married while you don't. I'm sure in their heart they understand your decision."
Geo said and pinch Wally's waist.
"Hmm..Your wife is worried the whole day. How are you going to make it up to me?"
Geo said suddenly rubbing his abdomen meaningfully.

Wally chuckles and shifts Leon position to his left shoulder to grasps the naughty palm.
"You need a spanking."

"Hmm~~ Clever. A naughty man should be spank by his husband. Your wife will obediently compl--"

Wally kisses his lips.
And the two kiss near the dining area.
The sounds of moaning and the way their tongues touches each other will make even the old couple blush.

"Put Leon to his crib. This wife is getting more horny."

Wally chuckles and slowly put Leon to the crib but the baby wakes up and make a horrible noise.

Geo looks like a defeated soldier.

"This is really...Baby..Did you heard Daddy punishing mommy so you wake up to support me? Sometimes mommy wants to be punish a lot." Geo said and carry the crying baby. "There. There. Do not cry. Mommy is here."

Wally chuckles and sit down on the bed to watch Geo rocking the baby softly and the appeased baby in Alli's shoulder.

"Leon, you are stealing daddy's wife?"

Geo laughs.

After the baby sleeps again and went to his crib the impatient parents done their night exercises.

The baby didn't wake up despite the two making loud and creaking noises.

Early in the morning, Geo has already clean the surrounding and feed the critters.
Picks the eggs and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast and the lunch meal for Wally and Marvin.
He was busy in the Kitchen when he looks back and see Wally staring at him near the door.

"Husband, do you want to eat? I already made breakfast."

Wally smiles and walks near him.
He kisses him and hugs him from behind.
"I love you."
He whispers.

Geo smiles.
"I love you too."

The two laugh at each other and kiss.

Wally looks at the food and use his hand to pick a piece.

"Hot, hot, hot. Hmm..Good."

"Of course it is hot. You...Not hurt?"

"This is nothing." Wally chuckles while chewing.

"Don't use your hand. What if you get burn?"

"You...You pamper me too much. I am not made of paper."
Wally hugs him.

Geo frowns.
"I don't want sewing you get hurt. Even a small burn or wound."

Wally blushes and tighten his arms around Geo's shoulder.

"You...You are feeding me too much swewtness so early in the morning. You really am the best wife in the world." Wally chuckles and kisses his cheeks.

The two look at each other and kiss. The kiss deepen and Geo let go of the cooking spatula to wound his arms around Wally's neck.
The two are on their own world.
Tongues touching and licking.


The two breaks out from the kiss to look in one direction.

Wally chuckles.
"That brat knows how to wake up."

Geo laughs. Then remove his hands from Wally's neck.
He heard a sizzle and turn back.

"Oh no! The stir fry!"

Wally chuckles seeing Geo panics.
He walks to the bedroom to get the crying baby out of his crib and tend to him.

After cleaning the baby's face and changing his diaper.
Wally takes him out to the sunshine.

Wally is raising Leon up and making the baby laugh and giggles.

"Baby you are heavier now. And you are very cute now." Wally said satisfied.

Alli is really the best wife. Not only is he caring and loving, he makes him feel very contented with little things they owned.
Now even his son that is very weak and sickly is looking good and healthy. He sighs and the emotion inside makes him cry.
He hugs Leon and smiles in the sky.

"Your mother is watching you in heaven baby. And your new mommy is watching you down here. You are very lucky to have two loving mother so grew up healthy and happy. Okay?"

Wally raise Leon up.
Leon is happily wagging his hand and arm trying to reach him from below while giggling happily.

Wally smiles.
"I love you Baby Leon."

Geo goes out to watch the father and son from the middle of their front yard playing in the sunshine.
He leans on the door and smiles.

"Husband, let's eat."
He called.

Wally nods.


I had a nightmare.
Its not really a nightmare but still the effect is the same as a nightmare.

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