Wife's Charm

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Chap 19

Gasping for air,Geo pushes Wally a bit.
Wally grins and kisses him as they reach their climax.

Wally is sitting beside the bed as he stretch his upper body.

"What's wrong?" Geo asks.

"Oh. Nothing. Just stretching. Are you okay?"

Geo smiles and thumbs up.
"I don't have much to be proud of but my stamina is an SSS level."

Wally laughs at him.
"Whatever you say." He said and stood up to kiss his forehead.
"I will have to wake up early to tend to the field. Don't have to wake up with me. We will go to town when I'm done."
Wally smiles.

"Okay. Let's sleep."
Geo said.

"I will just check Leon. Go ahead and sleep." Wally kisses his forehead again.

Geo smiles.
And cover himself with the blanket.

Wally chuckles and went to get Leon. He check him to sew if he is wet, cold or sweating.
After changing his diaper the baby didn't even wake up and he was back to his crib snoring.
Wally pokes his cheek with a smile.
He stares at the bed where Alli is sleeping and put his hand on his chest.
He is very happy.
Everything is just like magic.
There are some problems but as long as it is not their relationship he doesn't care about it.
Then he felt a bit scared again with Alli's plan to sell medicine.

He can't help it.
But he can't not support him either.
He is his husband.
He should be the first person to be his support and not his critique.

'Let's just tell him to sell it to a small medicine store so even if it fails he will not have to bear too much.'
Wally decided to support and protect his wife at the same time.

When he lay on the bed, Geo rolls to his side.
He won't stop squirming unless Wally hugs him.

The two sleeps like that.

Wally wakes up smelling a nice aroma.
He instantly sit up.
Looking at the close window he stood up and see that it is still early.

Leon is already awake and playing with Geo on the dining area.

"Oh. Good morning husband."
Geo smiles.

Wally wryly smile scratching his head.
"It's seem a small goblin wakes up too early."

"Yeah. He won't sleep again so I decided to cook so you can eat once you wake up." Geo said holding Leon in his waist while Leon is standing and sitting, tiring himself.

"I prepared a hot water. Wash your face." Geo said grinning at the still sleepy Wally.

Wally smiles and went to the bathroom.

When he returns he kisses Geo and Leon loudly.
The baby giggles and slaps Wally's face druming on it with giggle sound.

Geo laughs and let the two play while he serves the breakfast for Wally alone.

"You cook too early. It will be cold later when you eat." Wally said touching Geo's face.

"I will just reheat it. Don't worry about it. Let me hold Leon while you eat."

Before Wally is done eating Leon falls back to sleep.
Wally and Geo laughs teasing the baby who is frowing when disturb.

Wally stood up and put the plates to the kitchen.

"Don't wash them. The water is cold. I will do it later." Geo said reminding Wally.

Wally nods and kiss Geo.
"What an admirable wife. So kind and diligent." He said holding Geo's both cheek earnestly and kissing him deeply.

They just press their forehead together after a heated kiss and not saying anything but just smiling while staring at each other.

When Wally leaves, Geo and Leon sleep in the bed.

When Wally return he saw the mother and son sleeping side by side facing each other.
He chuckles and went to reheat the food.
After that he wakes Alli.

Wally eats again with Geo and Leon.
After that he tends to the baby while Geo tend to his morning activities.

"Three days from now we will harvest the rice field." Wally said.
"Can I help Dad after I am done with ours?"

Geo looks at Wally and frown.
"Of course. Don't need to ask me."

Wally blushes.
Some villagers chat with him this morning and told him that helping his father, Alli will surely gets mad.
He knows Alli won't get mad at him but hearing it really makes him happy.

Seeing Wally's good mood Geo also feels good.
'Just this and he is so happy. My husband is just the cutest....oh.Our son too.'

After eating, a visitor came to their door.

"Come in." Geo smiles.

The visitor stunned to see Alli smiling at him using a soothing voice.

(Alli is the most beautiful Gent in their village)

The guy blushes.
"I came to deliver the cow carriage that Wally wants to rent." The guy said removing his hat while looking shyly at Alli.

Alli smiles even more thinking that 'this is a useful guy' in his head.

"Oh. That's nice."

Wally went out hearing Alli happily giggling.
He was stunned to see another man blushing in front of his wife.

Wally can't help but to frown.


"Ah! W-wally. The carriage is here."

Wally's face brighten.
"Oh. I see. So that's why you are here."

Rey blushes understanding what he meant.
Geo tilts his head(not understanding at all).

'Why else will he be here?'

Geo didn't asks because Wally gives Leon to him and told him to go 'inside' to prepare for their departure.

Geo can't be bothered and happily agreed.

"I...I haven't seen Alli since the incident with Kyla." Rey said trying to ease the conversation.
Wally is a good guy.
Always smiling and easy to talk to.
It is also hard to see him snap.

Yet that kind guy is staring at him without smiling.

"He rarely leave the house." Wally answered dryly.

"Oh...ah..So..I will be going now."
Rey said feeling very awkward.

Wally said and turn around not caring anymore.

Rey hurriedly left.
He never imagine Wally to snap so easily.

'He is really the most beautiful gent....not even a girl can compare to her.' Rey sighs.
'If I know...'

Wally turns around and watches Rey look dazzle as he walks away.
He angrily grit his teeth.

"Husband, carry this for me...What's wrong?" Geo asks seeing Wally foul expression.

Wally shakes his head.

Geo frowns.
"Did that guy say something rude?"

"N-no. I just remember something." Wally smiles.

"Oh! Don't think about bad things so early in the morning." Geo chuckles and Leon also laughs.

Wally smiles.
"I can't help it." He said staring at Alli's beautiful face.

Geo grins.
He leans and kiss Wally.
"All you have to do is think of me...and Leon! Right baby?"

The baby laughs when Geo tickles him.

Wally sighs.
"I am."



I want to eat chicken with sotanghon but I don't have chicken....and sotanghon. I have lots of ginger though. Whahahahahah

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