For Wally and Leon

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Chap 22

Geo almost forgot the life of an assassin.
He didn't even look for a blacksmith today.
He feels like he can totally forgot the past and live an honest life today.

Everything is in his head.
He wants a happy life with Wally and his son.

Until tonight, everyday is filled with love and happiness.

"Stop fighting back."
Geo whispers in a soft voice.

Tears was falling out of Wally's eyes.

Geo put the baby in Wally's arm and softly kisses his lips.

"I will be back."

The men around them grabs Geo's shoulder and pull him.

Wally can just stare as his wife was being drag away.

Geo tried to stare back but the men and pushing him away.

Wally is out of it.
Things happen so fast.

Its a pleasant day.
They are shopping and buying many things.
Alli is so generous at wasting his money.
Wally can only laugh whole happily watching him enjoy himself.
Most of what Alli bought are for Wally and Leon. Wally tried picking for Alli but Alli doesn't like his taste in clothes.

Though he is a bit useless.
Wally is still happy to accompany Alli.

They ate in a restaurant and before they left.
They were stopped by a tall and chubby man and his people.
He looks like a wealthy man.

"I will take your Gent as my concubine. How much do you want?"
He said.

Wally was enrage.
But Alli handle it perfectly.
He sincerely apologize and they part ways without a problem.

Not in his wildest dream will they be ambush in their way home.

Wally wa startled by Leon's crying.
He drags his beaten body and bring Leon to the cow carriage.

He stares at the pouch of gold that the men throw him while dragging Alli away.

Wally snatch it and stare at it.

Tears once again drips his eyes.
He raised his hand to throw it away but stop.

"I....Have to believe in him.." he said and keep the money.

Before he left, Alli instructed him three things.
First, he is ro say he is staying in the town because he landed a job to a high ranking official and tell them he will be back soon.
Second, he needs to keep the money because Wally for sure will not be able to work so he needs to use it to let the people work for him in their field.
And third, he will be back and believe in him.

Those three things, and a kiss to sealed his mouth.

He is too weak.
Leon cried and so Wally try to see what's the problem.
His hand is trembling as he replace the diaper in total darkness.

But Leon keep crying.
Wally went to make him a milk.

But the milk water is not warm anymore.

Leon keeps on crying.
Wally hugs him and rock him slowly.

"Im sorry. I can't give you a warm milk. Im sorry. Im sorry I am too weak to peotect your mother. Im sorry. Im sorry."

Wally didn't know when but the crying stops.
Wally force his body to ride the cow carriage home.
It is dark so nobody seem to care.

Wally busy himself to stroing their food supply.
Then he make sure Leon is alright and safe before driving the cow to its owner.

Wally has no time to smile.
He went home and drop his body to the bed.
There is nothing but emptiness inside his heart.
The place he thought is filled with warmth and love is now just a very cold rundown house.

Wally is awake for a whole night.
Evwn though he has some bleeding in his body he didn't wash them.
His body is sore everywhere but it doesn't hurt more than the fact that his wife gave himself up for him and....for the safety of his son.

"Alli.....I'm sorry."
He stands up and grab a large knife.
He wanted to end the pain that is killing him and the guilt that is making him in more pain.

Startled, Wally stops what he is trying to do when he heard Leon crying next door.

Wally stays sitting on the floor and hang the knife again.
Leon needs him.
He have to be strong.

On the other side,
The noble son, a 6ft tall chubby man is resting in his bed while looking at the man in front of him.

"Come here," the noble son said with a smirk as he pat the space next to him.

Geo just stare at him.

The noble son angrily scowl.

"What are you disatisfied? I will make you my concubine! You will eat and play whenever you want. You can have every jewel you wish for..All you have to do is to make me happy all the time."
The man said and pat the space next to him.
"Now come here and let your husband undress you."
He said licking his lips.

Geo sits next to him.

The man happily move closer.
Touching the Gent's back.

"I never seen such a fine looking Gent like you for ages."
The man breathing hurriedly speed up.

Geo stares at the man.
"It's also been ages since I do this." He said.

The noble son laugh.
"That husband is useless then."

Geo smiles.
"Are you sure you will favor me?"
He said with a fluttering eyes.

The noble son became elated.
"Of course. Just always make me happy."

Geo looks away.
"I don't believe you."

The noble son touches his shoulder patiently.
"What do you want? I will give it to you."

Geo shyly stares at him.
"I....I was told I moan alot in bed.....Let the guards stand a few meters away...I...I don't want them to hear me.."

The noble son laughs.

"Is that all? I like it when my partner is noisy but I see. I will solve the problem."

"Really?" Geo eyes twinkle.

"Hmm..Give me a kiss then." The man said but Geo use a pillow to stop his lips feom landing on him.

"Cheaters will not have a nice s*x." He said blushing.

Happily, the noble son stands up and hurriedly instructed everyone to leave.

Geo sighs and lay on the bed.
"I have to get this done immediately...I am worried about Wally and Leon.." he grits his teeth.
"What's making that troll take so long just to tell the guards to leave a meter away?"

The said troll happily went back with a bottle of wine and a chest full of jewelries.

"I make everyone leave to the first floor. Now. We are the only one in thhe second floor all to ourselves."

"" Geo smiles.
'He is an idiot.'



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