Chapter 1

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In the hallways...

"Isn't that Cataleya? she's super intimidating".

"I think she kills people for fun and gets away with it, simply because she's a genius"

"She is such a bitch, she thinks that she's a goddess or something just because she's so smart"

"Love her or hate her, she's hot"

Cataleya ignored all of the whispers in the hallways of her college and kept on walking with her usual unmovable dead expression, her composure straight, and her head held high.

At her destination, she knocked on the door and entered after the familiar voice of her favourite teacher, Mr. James Silva, muttered a "come in".

And here he was sitting behind his desk, with his grey-black hair, his bulky figure, and his usual warm smile that he gives to Cataleya.

He got up at her sight and said in a cheerful voice, "here you are, my favourite student!", he was about to pet her shoulder but she stepped back refusing it.

His smile wavered a bit but he composed himself "I'm sorry, I tend to forget that you hate body contact".

A frown covered her face for an instant, quickly enough so that no one could even detect it, to get back to her natural cold face right after.

"You said that you have an important anouncement to make in the meeting that you requested from the board and principal".

Cataleya just nodded, not wanting to say anything before a meeting.

It's just a hassle to explain more than once, she said to herself.

Mr. James just sighed, knowing that he won't get anything from her.

"Let's go now or we'll be late my child. I know how punctual you are", he said.

He once again got a simple nod from the cold girl.

Both of them were walking down the hallway to the meeting room getting the usual stares from the students here and there.

It was no secret that Mr. James favoured Cataleya. She was a genius afterall. She understands everything before he can even explain it, and from times to times even corrects him.

When they entered the meeting room after knocking, he started conversating her other teachers and multiple guests that Cataleya didn't know.

They all brightened at the presence of their top student, except for Mr. Navarro, one of her teachers. Cataleya corrected him more than he could count, and crushed his ego many times in front of his students.
How could he like the ice Queen?

"Both of you, please take a seat"

They nodded and sat down, Cataleya facing all of them.

"I requested this meeting because I began my own research from my first year in biochemistry and finally after 4 years, my final year here, I found the medication to cure 100%:
Cancer without chemotherapy".

She sealed with a strict voice. Not a hince of hesitation.

Their faces were priceless. All of them were shocked with their jaws dropped, not believing that this girl found something that was yet to be real.

Sure, she was incredibly smart. But this?


Mr. Navarro got up from his seat and began to yell at her, not believing anything she said.

Cataleya looked at him with her lifeless eyes, already bored of whatever he was trying to do and said:

"I'm not asking you anything. I am only sharing this because I have to. On Monday, 2 days from now, I will be meeting with the FDA to start with the clinical trials"

Mr. Navarro didn't say anything else, he just stormed away while the others were still in shock.

"I will be going now. Here are the invitations to the FDA meeting. I hope you all can make it". She gave them the invitations and was out of the office in a dozen of seconds, leaving everyone still processing what was just announced.


The next day, Cataleya was siting with her father, Mario Romano, on the kitchen table, eating breakfast not uttering a word. Cataleya with her usual emotionless face and her father looking at her, waiting for any kind of interaction to happen.

But just like always, nothing happened.

Suddenly, the heavy silence resting in the room was interrupted by the daughter's phone. She took the call from the unknown number, and everything from that moment changed when the deep, gruff voice said:

"Watch your back, because the formula will be mine."

Hello again! I hope you will like this story as much as you liked "His Motive"

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Hello again! I hope you will like this story as much as you liked "His Motive".

This story is full of mixed emotions. It will sometimes make you sad, other times happy. Not to mention anxious, scared, skeptical and more.

Hope you will continue reading it!


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