chapter 3

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Pov. Noah

"So you're telling me that you saved a man and he asked you to be his daughter's body guard, which will pay triple the money that you make from all three of your jobs combined and you said yes?", Elijah asked for third time in 10 minutes.

"Yes Eli, that is exactly what happened. And of course I took it, I'm not an idiot" I responded with a sigh.

"But I thought you hated obnoxious rich girls that don't know how to do anything except for make up and shopping".

"Eli do you think I care? As long as I get my pay check at the end of the month and take care of my family the best way possible, I will tolerate her. Till then, you, my friend, can find me a sponsor. OK?", I told to him with a smile. Although, I was getting agitated, and he knows it.

"But what if it was a dangerous job?", he asked me with concern.

I smiled. We always look for each other. The neighborhood we live in isn't the best.
If we don't stick together, people around us will think that we're weak and will try to rob or hurt us, but as long as we're a team, nobody will dare to try anything.

"Look Eli, I'm sure it's nothing. Just some little spoiled girl that wants to brag about her new bodyguard to her friends. And if it actually is dangerous, you should remember that we live in this neighbourhood and we're still alive".

We started laughing, knowing that every word I said was true. What's funny is that we should be crying instead of laughing at our lives. But we get used to it...

"I should get going. I am meeting the girl herself and her father at their house, and it's about an hour away. See you", I said. As I was practically by the door, I heard him shout at me: "Don't fall in love with her"!

And I began laughing hysterically, as if I was going to fall for a spoiled brat.

While at the bus stop, I kept thinking about how happy my brother and mother were about my new job. No matter what it takes, I will do it for them.

After an hour, I arrived at my destination and oh my... That thing in front of me was not a house, it was a freaking mansion.

"Let's do this", I thought to myself.

I knocked at the door that was, by the way, taller than my home, and a woman in her late 50's opened it with a welcoming warm smile.

I smiled back at her. She reminded me of my mom. I greeted her: "hello, my name is Noah. I'm here to see Mr. Romano".

"Hello Noah. Yes, yes, come in. I'm Rose, nice to meet you", she said with a sweet tone.

We kept walking until we arrived at an office. "He's waiting for you inside". I smiled at her and entered.

And she was right. Mr.Romano was sitting at his desk with a frown and anxious face. It all lit up when he saw me.

"Please young man, sit down", he said while pointing at the chair in front of him.

The moment I sat down he told me: "my daughter is a little late".

Of course she is.

"She'll be here in a minute. I wanted to give you a heads up that my daughter has..."

Before he could finish his sentence, the door opened and a very pretty young woman came in.

She has a pointed figure with curves all in the right places, her long black curly hair was falling on her waist, making her face look cuter. Not to mention her gorgeous hazel eyes.

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