Chapter 13

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Noah pov


We turned to the source of voice to see 3 girls the same age of Cataleya heading to us

The one who called her was a blond tall girl with green eyes... she was beautiful

But of course not like Cataleya

Cataleya was on another level

The blond girl looked at me then at Cataleya with a smile

But there is something

Her smile was off

"Hello we are at the same college with you, I think you saw us before my name is kate and those are my friends Cynthia and Lynn"

Her friends nodded their heads with an equal smile

both girls are like their friend tall but Cynthia has black short hair with brown eyes and Lynn have black long hair with black eyes

Cataleya just nodded her head not feeling like talking

Like always

"We wanted to invite you to a club night out with us to celebrate your work" kate looked at me for longer than necessary then turned once again to princess

Cataleya seemed to think for a bit then she nodded her head accepting the invitation, the girls all squealed and then gave Cataleya the Club name and said goodbye not before kate winked at me

I squinted my eyes at her and looked at Cataleya to see her reaction

To just be disappointed that she dosen't have any

She really dosen't feel anything for me

I felt my heart clench painfully but quickly shook my head getting rid of everything weird in my head

I needed this job for my family remember how they were happy with the salary don't jeopardise everything for something unrealistic

I scolded myself and followed Cataleya to the car

When we entered she quickly said "we need to go fast to the mansion so I can get dressed"

I nodded my head and smiled a little even if her face didn't say anything, her voice seemed eager to go

"You excited?" I asked her amused because it's the first time I got even a little bit  of something different in her voice

"I..." she posed a little "don't know"

I frowned that was the second time she tell me this answer

Dosen't she want to tell me ?

Am I bothering her?

So I quickly shut my mouth not uttering another word all the car ride nor did she try to talk also

And like the first time we got in the car a month ago the car was filled with an uncomfortable tension and it seems I was the only one feeling it

I thanked god the moment we arrived at her mansion

"If you have anything to do you can go and come at 8 o'clock but if you don't have anything Rose told me she made chicken Alfredo today and I know it's your favourite if you want to go eat some" she said and got out walking inside her house

And just like that all the things I was thinking vanished and a smile formed on my lips

She know my favourite food

And if you're wondering what I chose to do

Of course went in and ate

Food comes first

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