Chapter 16

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Exams were getting closer and closer as the weeks dragged on. Hermione had tried to rope Keziah into her studying scheme but had quickly backed off when the Slytherin threatened to curse her. Instead, she went back to annoying Harry and Ron.

Keziah, on the other hand, was happily ignoring her revision until necessary. The chilly aftermath of winter was rapidly melting away to reveal a perfect summer. Her friends seemed to have a similar attitude, spare for Draco Malfoy. It was nearly comical, watching the boy, usually so callous and arrogant, leafing through books upon books and writing notes until his palms were stained with ink.

"This is such a perfect day," Daphne sighed, one afternoon.

It was the first good day in ages and they were determined to enjoy it. The sky was a peaceful blue, the sun shining happily in the sky. As soon as she had spotted how nice it looked outside, Keziah had suggested a picnic and there was unanimous agreement.

"Do you think Draco will be pissed off that we took his bedsheets?" Theodore asked, patting the sheet they were all laying on, basking in the sun.

Blaise shrugged, leaning over all of them to grab the picnic basket they'd filled with sandwiches and the remains of Keziah's stash of Christmas sweets.

"Don't know and don't care," Keziah snorted.

Daphne hummed in agreement, adjusting the sunglasses she had on. Abruptly, she sat up.

"What do they three want?" she groaned. The boys also sat up, looking towards the castle.

"Look, Keziah, it's your brother and his friends," Theodore noted. That made her sit up.

"What do they want?" she wondered aloud. She hoped it was nothing that needed her to follow them. It was so peaceful, just lying down and letting the sun warm up her skin.

"How should we know?" Blaise asked, leaning back down. "Just tell them to eff off."

"You know I can't do that."

"Why not?" Daphne chimed in. "Just because he's your brother doesn't mean you have to answer his beck and call."

"I'm not," Keziah defended. "Plus, we don't know what— hi, Harry!"

Harry looked breathless, flushed from running. Ron and Hermione were behind him, also trying to catch their breaths. Behind her, Keziah saw Daphne's eyebrows quirk in snide amusement as she turned away to talk to Blaise and Theodore.

"Keziah, we need to talk to you," he said urgently.


"I... I meant alone?"

"Come on, Potter," Blaise called. "She's hanging out with us!"

"Yeah, leave us alone," Daphne agreed, tossing a handful of Bertie Botts in their direction.

Keziah glared at them.

"Sorry, guys," she said. She wanted to hang out with her friends, but what if this was important! She pushed herself off the ground and made a promise that she'd be back.

Harry tugged her along, in Hagrid's hut's direction.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"We think Hagrid's up to something," Harry admitted in a hushed voice.

"He was acting shifty in the library and he was looking up dragons," Ron added.

Keziah swore under her breath. Nonononono. She knew this would happen but she couldn't help but curse Hagrid.

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