Chapter 22

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Indeed, the exam results did come on the following Monday. All the Slytherin first-years gathered around one of the larger tables, their fingers clutching identical vanilla-coloured envelopes with lilac seals.

"Three..." Pansy Parkinson said apprehensively.

"Two..." Draco carried on, glancing around.

"One!" Crabbe finished, looking pleased with himself.

There was a chorus of ripping noises and the shuffling of papers. Keziah looked down at her grades with relief. She'd gotten decent marks. At the very least, she'd passed everything

Astronomy: 67%

Charms: 89%

Defence Against the Dark Arts: 76%

Herbology: 82%

History of Magic: 78%

Potions: 96%

Transfiguration: 92%

"What the hell!" Daphne cried, leaning over to peer at Keziah's marks. "How the devil did you get ninety-six from Snape!"

"She got what?" Draco shouted, getting up from his seat and rushing over to check for himself.

"Now I feel even stupider," Millicent Bulstrode sighed, crumpling up her sheet.

"Grades are a construct made up by authorities to try and standardize intelligence and humans themselves," said Lily Moon vaguely.

She hadn't even opened her envelope, choosing instead to rip it up into tiny pieces and feed it to the fire.

"I'm not sure you're allowed to do that, Lily," Millicent said hesitantly.

"All consequences are temporary."

The room went quiet for a few seconds as they all watched Lily Moon sit there unnervingly with no further comment.

"Moving on," Blaise said, edging his seat away from the girl. "There's a list of the top students on the back."

Immediately, Draco flipped his sheet over, muttering furiously as he read through it.

"SECOND!" he screeched in outrage. "I got SECOND to Granger!"

Keziah snickered, looking over at the list herself.

1.Hermione Granger

2. Draco Malfoy

3. Stephen Cornfoot

4. Elizabeth Turpin

5. Theodore Nott

"Why am I not surprised that Granger got first?" Daphne said.

"I don't think anybody is," Theodore said. "But I am surprised that there's no Hufflepuffs."

"That's because they're useless," Pansy sneered. "Also, aren't you happy that you're on the list! Top five in the whole year!"

"Yeah," Millicent said. "Cheer up, Draco. At least you're second."

Draco's scowl deepened.

"I refuse to be second to a Gryffindor mudblood," he snarled.

"Shut up, Malfoy," Keziah snapped, her temper flaring at the slur. "Don't you dare use such words, even when you're angry!"

"What will you do?" Pansy asked nastily. "I doubt you could touch him if he started running."

"Take that back, you horrible —

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