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Chapter 12

Sophia POV 

I was drenched from head to toe when I entered his house that I called my home. I didn't know how I got my way home or how I entered the bathroom, removed my soaked dress and changed. 

I was heartbroken, I was hurt. My heart was bleeding with betrayal and my soul was crumbled with lies. All his promises of love and caring was just a game to him. 

I knew I was nothing compared to his handsomeness, wealth but why did he marry me?. 

It hurt. 

After I was through with my two nafila*(two volunteer prayers), I took the Quran and read it because I know that He who heals the heart would heal mine. The recitation soothing my soul and heart, luring me to a peaceful slumber. 

I woke up around 7:00 pm when I heard the horn of Yusuf's car. I got up from the praying mat, making my way to the living room. 

I entered the kitchen and microwaved his breakfast that he declined to eat. I couldn't waste the food. I set it on the table quickly to avoid confronting him only to be stopped by his voice. 

"Assalamualaikum, wifey. I'm back," he smiled brightly as if he didn't do anything to hurt me. He entered, removing his shoes. 

I couldn't look at him in the eyes. if I did, I would tear up again. 

It hurt. 

I swear, even though I said I didn't like him but it hurt. 

"Waalaikumsalam, welcome. Your food is on the table," I rushed out to escape him. 

"Goodnight, I'm tired. I want to go to sleep, assalamualaikum." I didn't even wait for him to reply or asked anything before I dashed to my room. I was emotionally and physically drained. I couldn't stay in the same room with him without crying. 

I detest lying. 


I woke up the following morning, feeling headache brewing. I groaned tiredly. I did all my morning routine quickly to escape him. 

"Good morning, sweetheart," he greeted, smiling while descending down.

"Morning" I replied curtly.

"Your breakfast is on the table if you wish to eat or reject it to meet your important client again" the jealousy and anger laced my words. "I'm going to my room. Don't forget to lock the doors while going to your office" I said walking back to my room.

Yusuf POV 

What was wrong with Sofia? She never behaved like this.

No smiling, no looking at him. No waiting for him to finish his food, no seeing him off. Something was really wrong.

Reaching the company, he greeted his secretary -Lubaba shortly, before retracting to his office gloomy. Not in the mood to talk, smile or laugh because his angel was not happy with him. He was really in a sour mood.

"Sir" his secretary called slowly, testing whether he would explode or not. 

"What!" he barked, rubbing his forehead, he couldn't concentrate. His mind was on his gloomy wife. 

"A woman came yesterday and claimed she is your wife" she paused while he raised his brow, "but upon opening your door" she gulped, fiddling her fingers, "she ran out of the office with tears," she said. 

She saw him yesterday!.

Damnation!. Yusuf thought, standing up from his seat, taking his keys and phone going back home. 

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