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Chapter 20


It was like his world stopped moving,when zaid said those words.



The word was repeating itself like a mantra in Yusuf's mind.

How dare he!

How could a father subjected his daughter to this kind of pain!

He was shocked,surprised, angry ,furious but what he felt most was rage.

He felt an unfathomable rage. 

Yusuf moved near Zaid while Zaid raised his hand in mockery.

"Not so soon son in law" zaid said mockingly.

Yusuf glanced at Sofia,her face was motionless, no emotion,nothing. Her eyes were distant. She looked at him warily like a stranger.

He had damaged her soul. 

This man had killed her soul,the sprinted fire,cheerful girl.

"Let's get inside son, we won't want your wife to be standing" his eyes twinkled with mockery. 

They went inside, zaid sat on a throne-like chair. His face looked familiar to Yusuf, but Yusuf was not here to dwelled on it.

Yusuf was served a drink, but he didn't trust him to drink it.

"What do you want,tell me? " Yusuf said, going straight to the point. He did not have the time for pleasantries. 

Those past months without her were an executing pain for him.

He missed her, her voice, touch, scolding _everything.

"Wow! ,I like that tone son-in-law...." Yusuf cut him off.

"I'm not your son in law" he gritted out. "You weren't the one that gave her hands in marriage to me" he said, keeping his cool.

Zaid looked at him with a sadistic smirk.

"What has she done to you ,to deserve all these? " Yusuf said, trying to reason.

"Why?" asked Yusuf, in a softened voice. 

"She did so many things, I can never leave her alone ,until she feels what I felt,she hasn't felt like dying or wishing to kill herself" zaid replied while smiling looking at Sophia like a toy. 

Yusuf was shocked!,this man was mentally disabled.

"This girl" he said ,pointing to Sophia with hatred.

"She is the one who made me like this and I haven't done half of what she did" he yelled. 

He moved closer to her and tugged her hair roughly, then pushed her down with so much force but her expressionless face did not filter. 

Yusuf couldn't move from his place because he was being held down by guards.

"I was once a happy man"he said with so much emotions ,sadness, grieve...hurt, pain

As Yusuf looked at him, he remembered where he'd known him but he didn't interrupted him, he wanted him to finish his pathetic story.

Subhanallah, how was it possible?

"I was happily married to my wife Sarah and my daughter. I couldn't live without her,she was my drug and I was addicted" his eyes glistened with tears ,and smiled softly as if he was remembering those moments.

"We had an argument that day ,she left for her parent's house. I went out, on my way back home, I was drunk. I saw her mother, walking through the dark alley and went after her. I sexually assaulted her ;I mean raped her" his voice was breaking with emotions- shame.

"I couldn't leave her in the dark alley, I took her home .I was the one who took her virginity. One month later,she came and told me she was pregnant. I was furious, how can I tell my wife. I gave her money to abort it ;because I didn't want a child that wasn't from my wife" said the man with pain. 

"Some months later,I heard she didn't abort the abomination. I called her ,she said she couldn't because it was the matter of life and death". He sneered. 

"One day I forgot my phone at home ,I remembered when I got to the office and rushed back home but what I saw broke me". He sobbed.

"My wife left me because her mother called my phone!!!,she left with my little gem,because of this abomination." He growled out while pointing his accusing finger at Sophia.

"She was the reason, while she left me with my precious gem. If she had not been given birth to everything wouldn't have happened". He yelled, "She is a mistake, error and abomination" he spat out.

He broke into another tears, "I begged her, explained but she turned deaf hears to me.I went back home, as I was entering I saw her" he pointed at Sophia, "smiling at me calling me Dada". He mocked.

"I hate that smile,I was heartbroken ,she was smiling. That was when my hurt changed to anger and took it out on her. It was fun to tortured her and I  enjoyed every bit of it with no regrets' '. He confessed.

"Her mother married and took her away"

"When she was 13 ,I took her back because I was her father. I really enjoyed beating her" he said laughing happily.

"I released her last two years, because my boy here was in love with her and had to pay for her," he said, pointing to Khaleed while Khaleed was smirking.

"I realised her, so that he could have her, like the whore she is buying she caught your eyes".

"Her pathetic fake father came to me and said I should leave her alone .I was enraged ,I killed him. Nobody talks to me like that. I was happy because I killed but was angry that you were there to comfort her" he smiled like he had won the lottery.

"Then my little gem came crying and told me you were getting married, and nobody makes my gem cry and go away with it".

"I heard Sophia was kidnapped, I told my guys to bombed the house little did I know it was my daughter, it was my gem that kidnapped her and she was dead"

She was a murderer.

She killed my little gem. 

She killed Zainab.

Before he could continue two gunshots were heard .

Loud thud was heard .

He saw zaid body fell down 

And Sophia body fell with a loud thud 

Everything froze

He was frozen, shocked, broken

Noooooo ,don't leave me. He shouted. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2022 ⏰

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