Chapter Three

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Harry splashed some water on his face, rubbing his tired eyes, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the little vial he kept with him. It was the only way he kept going when he was working like this, days on end, with no break, he opened the cap and made a small line of the white powder on the back of his hand. He lifted it to his nose, and inhaled. "Ah, yeah," he grunted, tilting his head back, he could feel the powder sliding down his throat. He leaned forward and looked at his watery eyes in the mirror. "Man up. Come on Harry. She just a scared little girl. She'll be okay," he mumbled, before pushing himself off the sink and leaving the bathroom.

He did feel bad for what he said. Clara just pushed and pushed, this girl was getting under his skin.

'I'm the furthest thing from it.' Her words echoed in his head. And he wasn't a good guy.

He was pulled from his thoughts, when he rounded the corner to see her seat empty. He looked around, walked towards the women's restroom, she wasn't in there, he looked. Where the fuck did she.....

It takes him a minute.

But he gets it.

Sheets and blankets abandoned, he darts towards the doors, bursting out into the cool night air.

Clara struggled, kicking her feet and screaming against the hand clamped over her mouth. Tears stream down her face. How could she be so stupid. She didn't even know where she was. She should have stayed. Even if Harry was a killer, he wouldn't have hurt her. He said so. The man holding her, buries his face in her hair, taking in her scent. She does throw up, the stench of him was too much to bear.

"Fuck!" The man shoved her against the brick wall of the laundromat building. He grabbed one wrist and pinned it above her head, the other he held behind her back. Her mouth free now, she sobbed, loud and broken, unable to think of anything except her regret. She should have stayed put. The man chuckled, pressing against her, she felt something small and hard press against her butt. "Gonna teach you not to throw up on me you little bitch," he grunted. He held her down with his body, freeing one hand, he reached around her front, shoving his hand in her pants.

"HARRY!" It was loud. It echoed. The scream ripped through her throat, she couldn't breathe, she couldn't do anything but scream for him. "HARRY!" The man grabbed a fistfull of her hair, yanking her head back, and slamming it against the brick. White hot pain seared across her brain, she crumpled to the ground, her ears were ringing, and her eyes stung. "H....Harry." she whimpered. Black spots danced across her vision. She saw something shiny in the stranger's hand.

"Fucking cunt. I'll gut you like a-" Clara wasn't sure she heard it right, the pounding of footsteps, but she did see another body tackle the stranger to the ground.

"HARRY!" Harry's head snapped up. He looked towards the alleyway beside the laundromat. Really? She hadn't even gotten that far and she was already calling for him to come get her. He scoffed, smirking as he turned towards the alley. "HARRY!" this time he froze. Clara was screaming bloody murder. Like someone was....He rushed into the alley, it was dark, but he could see two solid shapes. One crumpled to the ground, another standing over the first, with a knife in its hand. "H...Harry." the shape on the ground whimpered. Harry charged towards the knife wielder.

"Fucking cunt. I'll gut you like a-" He jumped the solid form, knocking him to the ground. He heard the knife fall out of his hand. Harry adjusted himself, sitting on the man's chest, he wrapped his hands around his throat and pressed. The man struggled, but Harry had actual practice. He was good at this. He pushed down as hard as he could, all of his weight bared down on his forearms. The man gurgled and twitched until....nothing.

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