Chapter Seven

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Clara sat on the floor of the shower and watched the drain. She watched as Alex’s blood washed away, circling it before finally disappearing. She sat there, letting the water beat her back, and warm her body.

She couldn’t believe she had killed him. And with such ease, like it really was the easiest thing in the world.

“Easy does it.” Harry had whispered in her ear. She had followed his instruction, cutting and slashing at him. She had wanted him to suffer, and was oddly disappointed that it didn’t last as long as she hoped. Once he was dead, the beast that took over her was gone, and she looked at her handiwork with a dissociated feeling. The silence had stretched, and it was Raven, who eventually took the knife from her hands, and led her back up the stairs.

There was a muffled knock on the door, “Clara,” it was Raven, “You okay in there?” her voice was filled with concern.

“Yes.” it was quiet again. Clara looked back at the drain, there was no more blood, no more splotches of pink mingling with the clear water. She was clean. She was whole again.

She wiped the mirror, when she stepped out of the shower and looked at her naked body, for the first time in what felt like years. There were bruises and sores, cuts and scrapes all over her. She looked grotesque under the harsh bathroom lighting as she turned this way and that. These wounds would heal, she wondered if the ones left on her mind ever would.

When she finally came out of the bathroom, hair pulled back, wearing some of Raven’s clothes, the dark haired girl met her in the hallway.

“Where’s Harry?” she asked. Raven took the pile of dirty clothes and towels out of Clara’s hands.

“He’s taking the trash out. Come with me. I’ll show you to your room,” Clara couldn’t help but wonder if ‘taking the trash out.’ meant he was getting rid of Alex’s body. She decided not to ask.

Raven led her down the hall to a small bedroom, that looked like it had been saved for guests. Clara stepped inside, feeling all of her old anxieties begin to creep back up on her. She didn’t know who had been in there last, if the sheets had been changed, when they had last been washed. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

“No one’s ever slept in here….At least not that I know of, so you should be fine. You know where the bathroom is, and if you need anything else just let me know.” Clara tried to smile at Raven, but she faltered. “I know. And you’re welcome,” she said before leaving Clara alone in the room.

The room itself was sparse, there was a four poster bed, covered in a gold embroidered comforter, with pillows scattered atop of it. A white dresser beside the bed, with a lamp and alarm clock, a desk with a chair and a closet. Clara walked over to the bed, relishing in how soft the comforter was, she climbed in, caccooning herself under the covers. The clock read 3:45 am. She couldn’t give a name to what she was feeling, but she fell asleep quickly, and peacefully.

Harry closed the front door quietly behind himself. It was late, but when he saw dim light from the living room he knew Raven was awake. He followed the light, discerning the voices on the tv as he went.

“If anyone has knowledge of my daughter’s whereabouts please, please contact the police. And Clara, honey, if you’re watching this, I love you. We love you. And we just want you home.”

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