Chapter Six

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Harry opened the sliding van door gently, Clara was still there. He sighed, hopping up into the van and leaning over top of the unconcious girl. He studied her features, the gauntness in her cheeks, the dark shadows beneath her eyes, the cuts and fading bruises on her. Bruises and burn marks covered her body. His eyes scanned down her arms, there were old track marks, he didn’t want to think what that sick fuck had been injecting her with. He gently picked up her hand, turning it over in his, only to discover in horror, that she had bitten her nails down to nubs, all bleeding and scabbed over. She’d been put through the ringer. Guilt washed over him. Some of this was his fault. If he hadn’t have taken her with him, none of the last six months would have happened. At least, that was how he felt. And no one could convince him otherwise. This innocent girl lie broken and tainted because he was a selfish asshole.

Carefully, as though she would break at any moment, he scooped her up into his arms and out of the van. The neighborhood was quiet, but Harry’s eyes still darted around the area, making sure no one watched him carry the girl into his home.

The pier stretched off into a beautiful sea. A woman in a red dress walks a baby carriage. Clara feels strong and healthy, she recognizes Leah and calls after her, jogging to catch up. But Leah doesn't hear her and she keeps walking.  Clara runs after her. When she gets close, she stops. Leah turns around.She reaches to hug her. But, as she does everything suddenly turns black. Clara is scared, she cries out for Leah. Leah doesn’t come. She steps backwards off the edge of a cliff and rushes headfirst into a concrete sidewalk.

Clara sat up abruptly, a sense of disorientation overcoming her. Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion. She was in a living room, on a couch, a light blue blanket covering her lower body. The sun was shining brightly through the windows and on the sil, she could see framed pictures  and knick knacks scattered about. She swung her feet off the couch, planting them firmly on the hardwood floor, but when she tried to stand she wobbled, and fell right back onto the couch. She felt dizzy.

“Take it easy. You’ve been asleep for three days,” Clara’s head snapped up. Harry Styles stood in the doorway of the living room, leaning against it’s frame. A small smirk on his lips. Clara’s eyes widened in surprise.

“H...Harry?” he walked over to her, sitting down next to her on the couch. “You...You’re real.” he nodded. “W-what happened?” She moved back away from him wearily. “Where’s Alex?”

“You don’t have to worry about him. You’re safe.” she scoffed. Harry could feel the air changing around her, becoming tense, she glared at him.

“I told you to leave me.” tears fill her eyes, almost blinding her as they begin to flow, “ Why didn’t you leave me?”

“Because I couldn’t just leave you behind…..You’re a victim.”

“I’m not.”

“Yes you are-”

“No I’m not!” Clara startled him. Her face was full of pain and anger, She began to sob, “I’m not a princess. I’m not innocent. I’m not good. I’m just as bad as Alex. I’m the reason he killed Leah! The reason he kidnapped that other girl! There’s so much blood… much blood on my hands.” as she said this she held her hands out in front of her, they looked clean but she knew, she knew she was dirty. “You told me once that you kill bad people….so kill me. I deserve it.” Sobs racked through her body, her face contorted as she cried out. Harry just sat there, unsure of what to say, or what to do. She just looked so….defeated.

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