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"Good morning", Taehyung said the next morning when they walked inside the kitchen to have breakfast with Yoongi. Jungkook was following him, holding Taejeon on his arm. The kid kept biting into Jungkook's sweater because he was pretending to be a dog.
"Morning", Yoongi grumbled, already sounding grumpy and in a worse mood than yesterday. "I've got a new job for you", he instantly said, not even giving them time to sit down and eat something before spoiling the news.

"Oh?", Taehyung asked surprised, "I thought we were too bad to do anything right." He sounded a bit snoppy, Jungkook softly nudged the older's side with his elbow, "Babe", he sighed, not wanting to get Yoongi mad all over again.
Taehyung shut up, nodding then, "Okay fine. What is it?"

"You gotta deliver some drugs to another district in town", Yoongi shrugged, "It's not hard to do so. Even you two should be able to do it."

"Great. So you're not mad anymore?", Taehyung asked carefully but Yoongi didn't reply at all. He just kept frying eggs while staring into nothing.
"Take the kid with you", he then said. "I want you to be gone by the next thirty minutes."

"Can't we at least have breakfast?!", Taehyung said, "The kid needs something in his stomach before he goes on another adventure", he looked at Taejeon who was now peacefully poking into Jungkook's neck, trying to count to veins he saw there.
"I said thirty minutes", Yoongi said sharply and then left the room.

"Wow he's not a morning person huh", Jungkook sighed and grabbed an apple and a knife, slicing it into four pieces before he gave one of them to Taejeon and ate one of it himself.
"He's not a being awake person in general", Taehyung rolled his eyes, "He's always pissed for no reason."

Jungkook sighed, "Hope we will never turn out this way", he said and then put some peanut butter on a piece of bread and handed it to Taejeon as well so the kid would get some proper food. Well, proper food in Jungkook's world wasn't necessarily proper food in the normal world but what did you expect from a teenage father?

Taehyung put the little package with drugs into his bag before grabbing their jackets and putting it on his boyfriend and the child. "I have mixed feelings about this", he sighed, "Drug deals can go horribly wrong sometimes."

"They won't", Jungkook said calmly, "We'll just give them the drugs, collect Yoongi's money and then leave as quick as possible."

And so they did.
The three of them made their way to the car, got in and drove onto the highway. It was quite a drive until they got there.
It looked like in the movies, a huge parking deck and they drove into the underground section where it was pretty dark and spooky. Taejeon sat in the car, hands clasped above his mouth as he squeaked out when he realized this looked like in a horror movie. "Monsters!!", he cheered and pressed his nose against the window, staring outside.

Jungkook however didn't find this too exciting, he had goosebumps all over his body and felt like crying. He hated ghosts and he hated monsters and above all he hated parking decks because he had seen way too many horror movies that started here.

"I'd say I go alone and you two wait in the car", Taehyung hummed, seeing how frightened Jungkook was. "Is that alright with you?"

Jungkook bit his lips anxiously, "What if you don't come back?"

"Then you either come looking for me or you take the car and drive away as fast as you can, it's up to you", Taehyung explained softly, "The most important thing about all this is to keep the kid safe, so if you can't be sure that it's safe to come looking for me, you leave and get the kid somewhere else."
Jungkook nodded, looking at Taejeon who was still clapping his hands, giggling happily.

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