𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓣𝓱𝓻𝓮𝓮

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   Several minutes later, the sky began to fade to black, with only the glow of the full moon and the sparkling of the stars to lead me forward.

   Personally, I've never really cared for the night hours. Some find it a relief to have a break away from the sun's rays, but to me, the sun brings happiness and energy. The night just feels like...death. You can't see as clearly, leaving not many options available. As a result, I usually just complain about what I can't do, causing Anastasia to go mad. What can I say, we all have our quirks, you know?

   Eventually we rounded a corner, approaching a wooden, chipped sign off the road that read Tapleyville.

   "This must be the next town," I breathed out into the motionless air.

   As we rode in, I quickly discovered that there was a significantly divergent atmosphere than the previous place I visited. Forgetting the fact that at one it was daytime and now it was nightfall, but that certainly wasn't what caused a chill to run down my back.

   Along the rows of dilapidated looking homes, stood stakes of burning torches, which was the only source of light besides the moon's rays.

   While walking down the eerily dark and unsettling path, I began to hear chanting and dancing, for maybe there was life in this rather uncomfortable place.

   Finally I arrived at the edge of the town, where I discovered men and women dressed in what appeared to me like costume garments, dancing around a bonfire repeatedly shouting,

"Begone you Devil's servants!
May you never mark another!"

   Rather quite frightened and unsure of what I was observing, I pulled Blaze over to a wooden porch pillar and hid there watching the psychotic people banter their nonsense.

   "How am I going to leave? Their festivity, or whatever you want to call it, is blocking my only exit?" I whispered quietly out loud.

   "Hello little fella. Whatcha doin there hidin?" A ruff, wrinkly man with a gray, scruffy beard slurred, sloshing around his drink.

   Caught off guard, I replied, "Umm...hello sir. I was...just resting and...watching you folks."

   "You're not from around here are ya?" A deep chuckle rumbled from his doughy belly.

   "No sir, I'm afraid not. I was just trying to pass through here to return to Boxford."

   The dancing and harsh clamoring continued in the background showing no signs of seizing. In fact, I think it got louder.

   "On a night like this?" A hint of horror flashed in his eyes, swiftly killing his playfulness. "Do ya have any idea what tonight is?"

   "No, I'm sorry I don't. Should I?"

   Taking a giant slug from his mug, he began, "Son, tonight is a full moon, meaning that on nights like these, witches have the freedom to mark anyone they desire. In order for us to protect ourselves from their malicious charms, we make a bonfire and chant the phrase ya hear to rid them from bewitching us."

   Mystified by what I was just told, I mumbled, "Witches? There are such creatures?"

   "Yes, son there is, which means ya must be extra careful traveling on nights like these," he gestured to the peacefully lit sky.

   "I see," I casually smiled, semi believing what he was telling me, but mostly I thought this town was just a bunch of crazies just like the woman back in Loeustdale said.


   I could tell he was tired of calling me son or boy and wanted to actually know my name.


   "Well Henry," patting me on the shoulder. "I suggest for safety's sake, ya either join us by the fire or ya sleep in a room tonight. Preferably the one that is above us." I looked up to a dingy second story living space, with a store's shop below it.

   I really didn't want to delay my travels any longer, since I was already behind schedule, but I guess it wouldn't hurt to take precautions even if I didn't truly believe in witches.

   "Alright, I guess I'll stay here," pointing up to the room.

   "Great choice kid. Now let's get ya settled." He wobbled to the doorway while I followed.

   "Now go up that flight of stairs, and the first door on your right is the room. Ya are welcome to stay there as long as ya like."

   "Thank you sir for your hospitality, but I can assure you I'll be gone by tomorrow morning."

   "If ya do choose to leave so soon, just remember what I told ya. As long as ya make a fire and chant that phrase on a full moon, ya should be alright. Just remember no matter what, don't trust anybody. Folks around here are not always what they seem. Don't let your ignorance be the death of ya. With that being said, good luck and goodbye," he somehow soberly lectured me then left the doorway leaving me alone to the petite room upstairs.

   As soon as I took the creaky flight of stairs into the lonesome room with only a twin bed and some cobwebs, I glanced out the hazy window to observe the continuous commotion of the townsfolk and the moon's menacing rays casting shadows on the scarce furniture in the room.


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