𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓕𝓲𝓿𝓮

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   "We should be almost there by now," I complained out loud to nature's cruel ways of making a journey longer than it needs to be. Why must everything be so spread out? All I want is to be reunited with my love Anastasia and now she is probably beyond worried because I couldn't even send my letter to her.

   With midday soon approaching, and the evening not far from tagging along, I decided to take a break in the bountiful grass, and enjoy a slice of crispy, sourdough bread and blueberry jam that the frisky woman insisted on giving me before I departed. Although I was a bit reluctant at first, I'm glad I took it.

   As I sat there munching away, the thought of the witches and the abnormal man's tale from the bonfire crept into my mind. Could it be true that witches did exist?

   I remember years ago when I was a child growing up in Boxford, my Mother would tuck me into bed at night and whisper a prayer in her angelic voice, that put me to sleep like a lullaby. Now that I think about it, I feel like it was more of a prayer to ward off evil spirits than a way to bring me peace into the night. I especially now believe so, due to the fact that the glow of trepidation in her eyes never seized on certain occasions. It was like she knew something horrendous was going to happen. It never occurred to me that I should've asked her about the meaning and reason for her eccentric words. Now I would never get the chance. She died when I was sixteen, God rest her soul.

   I expeditiously snapped out of my trip back to memory lane, when I heard Blaze neighing wildly like he was trying to communicate to me that we needed to get a move on.

   "Alright, alright. I hear you boy. Yes, we can go now."

   Soon realizing that it was practically dusk, and in no time it would be pitch-black, I hobbled back onto the road scolding myself for all the time I let pass.

   At first, traveling around the country was an exciting new adventure in my life, where I finally had the opportunity where I could meet new people and learn the differences in the social hierarchy that I was very much sheltered while growing up. Also, to view New England's landscape in all its phases is such a delight. Whether rain or shine, I'm always hypnotized. However, now that an additional piece is being appended into my life, my quests and pleasures as a single man are becoming harder to pursue.

   Continuously riding at a steady pace, I noticed that the slender, dirt path split into two directions just like the woman in Tapleyville described.

   This was my time to choose, as I pulled Blaze's reins to a halt. Left would be safe, but possibly longer. On the other hand, right might be more dangerous, but it was also shorter.

   I just can't keep Anastasia waiting any longer. Who knows, if I take any longer, that fellow William Hudson might steal her away from me!

   Jealousy started to feud with my common sense, leaving it in the end a bloody mess on the battlefield. With my emotions no longer in control, I thrusted Blaze to the right.

   As I gazed up at the silent sky, with no light to guide the way except for a waning, crescent moon, shaped like the Devil's smile, I suddenly heard rustling on the uneven road ahead.

   By the sound of the unseeable source of the noise, I could tell it was making Blaze nervous, and frankly a little me too.

   Without overthinking my situation that instantaneously went from boring to now possibly endangerment, I cautiously went forth at a steady pace.

   "Please! Help me! Is someone...there?" The voice of a distressed woman echoed out in the darkness.

   From the sound of her voice, I could tell she was somewhere ahead of me, but where exactly? Maybe my mind was just playing tricks on me.

   "I can hear you getting closer. Would you please help me?"

   Positive now that what I was hearing was true, I remembered that I had a lantern in one of my bags that I could light to aid me in identifying the faceless woman.

   "I'm coming Ma'am," I replied as my lantern flickered, leading me to a delicate lady with stringy, gray hair, a wrinkly complexion, and a dirty, floor length dress, sprawled out on the gravely road.

   "Umm...hello. Are you alright?" I knelt down asking the helpless being.

   "Yes, I'm rather quite fine, it's just I went for an evening stroll and fell down, and with my brittle condition, I couldn't get back up without any assistance. Since no one lives around here for miles, I've been lying here in the dark ever since, hoping that a fellow like you would stumble down this road."

   Still rather confused why a woman like her, in that condition, could possibly be walking around here at this time of night was beyond baffling. If no one lives around here like she claims, then where is she coming from or heading to for that matter?

   "Well...you can ride with me to wherever you need to go. Do you happen to live close to here?"

   "That would be most wonderful!" She attempted to push herself up. "In fact, you can't see it from here, but a little ways up the road, is my house. If you wouldn't mind, you can drop me off there."

   "Don't hurt yourself more ma'am. Let me help you," I gently put her on her petite, buckle heels. No wonder why she fell.

   "Thank you."

   "Now, would you like me to place you on my horse here?"

   A worried expression began to spread upon her face, "Uhh...I think I'll just walk next to you, if you don't mind. I just have a few minor cuts. No big deal."

   "Are you sure?"

   "I'm most positive."

   "Alright then, let's get going," I responded as I rode at a walking pace while she wobbled beside me, with only the glimmer of my lantern to brighten the chilly and hushed night.

   Not even ten minutes later, we approached a dilapidated, wooden shack that appeared to be slanted slightly to the right with a wrap around porch.

   "Oooh, goody! We're here!" She leaped onto the porch to the best of her ability, with almost too much energy for someone her age and who couldn't get up just a few minutes ago.

   "Come darling, come! You must rest!" She waved her boney fingers as a sign of telling me to follow her.

   "Thank you ma'am, but I'm on a time crunch and have to leave immediately if I'm to make it to my destination in time."

   "Well after all you did for me, it's the least of my troubles to provide you a bed and something to eat. Besides, it's a little nippy out and looks to me like your horse could also use some rest."

   As much as I wish I could just abandon this lady, I was however tired and sleeping in a bed did sound rather tempting, so I reluctantly replied, "Okay, I'll stay, but just for tonight, then I'll be out of your hair."

   "Wonderful choice!" She snickered, slipping into her neglected house, as I tied Blaze to a nearby tree, and walked up the rickety steps to her front door.

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