Chapter XXIII

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Another question, but this is more important, cause IT INVOLVES LIFE OR DEATH, YOUR LIFE OR DEATH!!!

So you probably want to know the life and death question now, right?

Should Rachel make an appearance- HEAR ME OUT- Ok? 

Obviously things won't go well for her, even though she didn't do anything since she was replaced by a more qualified replacement. We all know the dirty things she did, that biotch!-

But like I need a villain or something, you know an antagonist to move the plot.

The pros: Rachel will have a horrible life (or ending maybe??) any suggestions???

The cons: She exists in this has been Rachel free place since chapter 1 so- like do you really wanna ruin that

Or?  (You're probably just gonna pick the other option since the first one had ratchel in it, but like what if I tell you it's worse-)

Rachel steals Bam away and- 


I swear it was a joke, please don't kill me. I wanna live, and you should too if you want this to be completed, which is coming round.

So actual alternative question.

Make another antagonist/make a character go villain or something-

suggestions to help???

Or or or???

Your suggestings (or suggestion for previous options cuz I think desperate help ;-;)


Y/n P.O.V


"So you ready to be teleported or?"

"W-who are you?!" I questioned. I don't remember seeing her. Only the lady and the butler were the people I remembered in the mansion. There were way too many other servants and staff that I didn't know, but probably passed by or met.

But she didn't look like a servant at all.

"Don't you remember me? Can't believe you have a memory of a goldfish, lol." Huh?

Wait for a second, she looks familiar- isn't she the person in the heels who stopped that eel thing from devouring me.

"Aren't you-"

"So you finally figured it out-"

"The woman."

"I'm the butler."


The butler! Wasn't he a guy last time I saw him, which was only at least a few hours before!

"But-but butler?!?!?!"

"Yup," she chipped or is it he?! I'm so confused!!!

"But-but I don't understand?"

"I'll explain it to your simpleton then," Do I even want to know?

"I, the amazing *beep*, cuz it's my job to *beeeeeep*. That's why I'm here, to fix your *beep*..."

"*beep* *beeeeep* *beeebeeep*"

Um... all I hear is beep... it's that swearing?

"Oh my, guess I'm not allowed to tell you."


"I can at least tell you that you're-"

I'm what?

But his mouth shut tight, as a zipper appeared instead, shutting them up.

Then they struggled to talk, eventually, they were pulled away, well yanked, like an invisible rope strangling them.

But I have more problems to worry about, more serious ones than the events that just happened. I'm so confused, I'm not ready to say goodbye. What will I tell him? How? It's just so hard.

And I can't even begin to imagine the hurt he'll experience. His poor face, the trauma.

I mean he hasn't been around other people for his whole entire life, he grew up alone.

I can't imagine the only person you knew just up and leaving. Especially if you like being around them.

What am I going to do...

*End of flashback*


"I have to go," he was about to speak, probably about me and my 'temporarily' leave, where I go back then come the next day, but it wasn't the case, not this time.

So I cut him off, "For a while... I won't come back the next day or the day after that, or even the following days..."

He was silent, taking in all the information, then he finally spoke, his voice shaky, "W-when will you come back." I saw the tears weld in his eyes.

"I-i don't know," I really didn't, "It...could be never..."

That's when I felt him latch onto me, clutching me like I was his most valuable piece of treasure in the universe.

"Y-you can't leave!" He nuzzled his head deeper into the crook of my neck. "YOU CAN'T!"

I heard his sobs, which made me sob as well, which is surprising since I cried for hours a bit beforehand. There's still more tears.

"But I have to..."


Published: September 4th, 2020.

Word count: ~ 450 words

And as a small token of my appreciation for getting 5k, it's going to be updated daily starting then!


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