Chapter XXXV

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3rd P.O.V

Khun couldn't believe what he was hearing and seeing.

Events that happened eons ago, where his best friend died, that left him uncertain. Issues that arisen, it all came flooding back to his brain leaving him in a state where he could barely function.

He tried to climb out of bed, an attempt to get the blood circulating through his veins, however, it was useless as he toppled over, on his hands and knees.

Years ago, during the examination on Evankhell's floor, the regulars had taken the last examination, to determine whether they will pass.

Khun passed obviously, no brainer.

Rachel on the hand, that's a whole entirely different story.

Bam wasn't satisfied even though he passed as well, there was no news of the h/c girl he dearly cherished. And the administrators just brushed it off.

Now it angered him that she didn't pass.

He asked if there was a way. 

There was.

Ah, but there was a requirement, you had to be an irregular. And nobody was-

Bam revealed he was an irregular, shocking everyone, well not quite.

Some just didn't care, but one, a *cough* purse *cough*, that one's brain couldn't comprehend what on earth was going on. He continued sitting there eating his new favourite food.

Banana covered chocolate. A combination of two foods he love- found manly and strong enough for a great warrior to feast upon.

To pass a test not via by the administers (Lero and such) you had to pass the floor test administrators, the beings that were there long before and the same ones who made contact with the Jahad.

Apparently, all who passed, not just one, needed to participate in a test, and if they succeeded that girl will pass.

Rachel, she wasn't pleased how everyone brushed off that she didn't pass when she should have.

Getting kidnaped and held as a hostage, failing all classes, not doing well in class activities. Yep, those clearly show she should have passed (not).

Yet somehow, maybe it was the god who gave her a second chance, that she get another second chance at passing.

She somehow managed to convince (beg) Bam to let them go with her. She started rambling on about her wish, to see the "stars" and this triggered Bam in the slightest.

And Rachel manipulated that.

The goal was to get the people in the bubble into the safe place, aka the mouth. While the rest secured and dealt with any problems.

But when the bubble came up, there was only one, Rachel. There were meant to be two. One who wanted to take the place of another who didn't pass.

And the other who desperately clung onto and thread that would allow her to pass, in turn, succeed.

Khun remembers the words as if it happened yesterday, they were crystal clear.

"That b-big m-monster was there, Bam s-stood there looking at at it, then h-he fell off, I r-remember him mumbling s-some stuff about Y/n and and then he, he held his h-hand out. As if s-she were there.... And you c-can imagine what h-he di-did. "

Was exactly what Rachel said when they all asked where Bam was.


Published: October 28th, 2020

Word count: ~  500 words

Next update:  Might be this week Idk, hopefully, the plot aint getting to uh- yea so idk

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