Trusting Dean (MOC Dean, smut)

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"You need to leave."

The words cut into you like a knife. You blink, surprised when tears spring forward in your eyes. "Why?" you ask. "Why would you want me to leave?"

"Because of the mark Y/N. Look at what I'm doing, what I'm becoming. I could hurt you! And I'd never forgive myself if I let something happen to you... if I did something to you."

You reach for Dean's arm, but he pulls away from you and stands quickly. "Y/N, I'm fighting. I'm fighting as hard as I can, but this mark, it's going to take control of me. I'm going to get tired of fighting, and when I do, you can't be here."

"Dean, stop it. I know you would never hurt me. I'm not afraid, and I'm not leaving. I trust you."

"Damn it Y/N, would you do what you're told for once! I can't control this thing! It's taking everything I've got in me, and I don't have much left. I don't want you here. I don't need you here, okay? I need to know you're safe." He pauses, turning to look at you. "I at least need that. The peace of knowing that I can't harm you." He turns away, dismissing you. It stings, but you know you can't give up that easily.

Again, you reach for him. He doesn't jerk away this time but flinches when you lay your hand on his shoulder. "Dean, please, enough. I know you're scared of what will happen, but I know that you'll never lay a hand on me. I know that you'll never-

He turns suddenly and takes a step toward you, causing you to involuntarily step backward. "You don't know that Y/N! You don't know that I won't lose myself and do something I'll regret; you can't possibly know!"

He continues stalking towards you until your back presses against the wall. Desperate, you reach for him again, but he grabs your hands and pins them above your head. "Do you know how badly I could hurt you? All the twisted things I could do? Because I know. That's why I need you to run."

You shake your head defiantly. "No."

"Y/N." He growls at you, but you refuse to give in.

"No." you repeat, and you lean forward, pressing your forehead against his. Your hands are still pinned or you would hold him, comfort him, somehow let him know it's going to be okay. He presses his forehead into yours, and you hear him sigh.

"Listen to me. Please, Dean. I need to be here. I need to know you're okay. I need you. Please, Dean." You say again, as you kiss his forehead, his cheeks, his chin. He lifts his hea and stares into your eyes. That swirl of intense green staring back at you makes your knees weak. The next thing you know, his mouth is on yours, and you don't think, you don't even breathe, you just kiss him back with the same intensity. He bites your bottom lip causing you to gasp, then his tongue is in your mouth. You pull with your arms, trying to free your hands.

"No." he growls, and you stop trying. Instead, you step forward and press yourself against him, feeling his hardness against your belly. He pins your wrists with one hand, using the other to unbutton your shirt. "Damn it." He groans when he can't free the buttons, and he releases your wrists, fisting both sides of your shirt and yanking. You can't help but moan as your buttons fly across the room, exposing your lacy bra.

"You're so fucking beautiful." He mumbles. He yanks his shirt over his head, and buries his face in your breasts, licking and nipping. You reach behind yourself and unhook your bra, pulling it down your arms. He crushes you into his embrace, and you moan at the feeling of his warm, hard chest against your breasts.

"Dean, maybe we should take this to the bedroom...." You trail off as he begins a warm trail of kisses up your chest and neck, before reclaiming your lips with a moan of satisfaction. He unbuttons your jeans and shoves them to the floor before you even realize what's happening, along with your underwear.

"Dean, the bedroom?" you ask weakly, not really caring if you ever make it there. He could throw you on the cold hard floor right now and you'd let him.

He takes a step back and slowly unzips his jeans. "You look so hot right now." He whispers. "Touch yourself. I want to see how you get yourself off. Come on sweetheart, touch yourself for me." 

You can't say no. You don't want to say no. He pulls out his impressive length and you reach between your legs, finding that little nub of pleasure. You circle it and throw your head back, moaning his name. "That's right baby, say my name." He moans, running his hand up and down his length.

"Dean, please. I want you so badly." That's all he needs. He grabs you by your thighs and lifts you, pushing you into the wall, pressing himself between your legs. His massive length is at your entrance, but you're wet and ready. He kisses you again, harder this time, more desperate.

One quick flex of his hips and he's inside you, stretching you, making you feel that delicious ache. He starts slow and sweet, giving you time to adjust to his length. After a few minutes, you began thrusting your hips against his, digging your nails into his shoulders. "Dean, harder. Please." You whimper, and he obliges, thrusting fast and deep.

"Damn Y/N, you're so tight. You feel so good." He groans. You feel your body soaring, feel that heat building in-between your legs.

"Dean, I'm gonna..."

"I know baby. Come for me." His words are your undoing, and you spiral into the pleasure headfirst, gasping, and clinging to him as it hits you. A few more thrusts and his empties into you, yelling your name, laying his head against your chest, completely spent. After a minute he releases your thighs and you slide down his body to the floor. Your knees are shaking.

"That. Was. Amazing." He says and you smile. "Are you okay?" he asks, concern spreading across his face.

"I'm fine. Better than fine. I'm pretty fantastic." You finally say, still breathing hard.

He looks conflicted, even a little upset. "Y/N, you didn't let me do this so you could stay, did you?"

"What? Dean, of course not. I've wanted you since I met you. You're pretty damn irresistible." You reply, leaning forward to press your lips to his. His arms go around your waist and you feel his cock begin to harden again.

"Really? So soon?" you chuckle.

"What can I say? I've got a great recovery time."

You laugh and kiss him again. "Only this time Dean, could we PLEASE make it to the bedroom? My legs are jelly."

He lifts you up and kisses you, then winks. "No promises, sweetheart."

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