Bubble Bath and Booty (smut)

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You are so annoyed with yourself right now. You'd left the bunker and gotten halfway to the grocery store when you realized you'd left your wallet lying on the end of the bed. What a waste of time.

You pull up and run in, fully intending to just grab your wallet and leave. But as you're heading back up the stairs, you hear something strange. You walk back down slowly, trying to figure out where the sound is coming from. It's kind of high and screechy, but you know you've heard it before. You head down the hallway, and as you get close you realize it's music, more specifically, a violin playing.

That's weird. I didn't think either of the guys knew classical music existed, much less listened to it.

It's coming from the bathroom. You automatically assume it's Sam, but then you hear a breathy moan you know belongs to your boyfriend. You'd made him make those same noises only a few hours earlier. You push open the door and are completely floored by what you see.

The first thing you notice are the candles. There are probably 20 candles lit, placed all over the bathroom: on the sink, on the shelves, a few are even on the floor. The next thing you notice is the tub literally overflowing with bubbles. They've spilled out the sides of the tub onto the hardwood floor, effectively soaking it. The third and final thing you notice is Dean sprawled out in the midst of the bubbles and candles, looking like he's died and gone to heaven.

"Um, babe?"

He jerks upward and turns toward you, looking both embarrassed and angry. "What are you doing home so early? I thought you were going to the store!" He says accusingly. His face turns bright red and he tries to cover himself up, not that you hadn't seen him naked a million times before. Never naked in a bubble bath with classical music playing and candles burning, but still.

"I forgot my wallet." You say sheepishly.

He glares at you. "So you just barge into the bathroom? What if I'd been Sam?"

"I heard you moaning from the hall before I came in. Apparently you are REALLY enjoying yourself." You tease.

He looks so humiliated you start to feel bad for him. You shouldn't have made fun. Besides, you enjoyed the occasional bubble bath now and then. And now that you know Dean does too...

You step further into the bathroom. "Dean baby, I don't mean to tease you. I think it's great that you know how to relax."

He looks at you curiously. "Really?"

"Oh yes." You give him your most seductive smile. "In fact, I think that I should help you relax even more."

His eyes widen and you wink at him, then yank your shirt over your head. "That hot water just looks so inviting. I think I need to get in and soak awhile, don't you?" You unhook your bra and let it drop to the floors, then inserts your thumbs inside the sides of your pants and shimmy out of them and your underwear.

Dean lets out an appreciative whistle. "Damn, I've got a hot ass girlfriend."

"And don't you forget it." You retort, deliberately swaying your hips more than usual as you saunter over to him. You lean down and drop a kiss on his lips, and he suddenly snakes an arm around your waist and yanks you into the tub on his lap.

"Dean!" you squeal and he chuckles.

"Sorry sweetheart, just couldn't wait to have you in here with me."

"I know the feeling." you murmur, kissing his neck and chest. "You know, I have one hot ass boyfriend too."

He grins. "And don't you forget it." Dean's hands grip your waist and he turns you so that you're straddling him, practically nose-to-nose. "Ride me." he urges in a husky voice.

His mouth claims your nipple and you back instinctively bows, pushing your breasts closer to him. He begins working his hips up and down pressing his hard cock against your clit. The hot water intensifies the already mindblowing sensation. You thrust against him in return, moaning and clutching him against your chest. "Dean." you whisper and he looks up at you, those gorgeous green eyes making you melt. They're lit up with little gold and brown specks like they always are when he's aroused.

"What do you want sweetheart? I'm here to please." He murmurs, kissing your chin.

"I need you inside me. Love me, Dean. Please." You urge him, gyrating your hips to amplify that exquisite feeling of his hard length against your core. He lifts you up a little and positions himself, then sheaths himself inside you. It feels a little tighter than usual but not painful. Water is not a very good lubricant.

He closes his eyes and lays his head back against the edge of the tub, a look of pure bliss on his face. You watch his Adam apple move as he takes in air, and you can't help but lean down to kiss it. Everything about this man is perfect. The light sprinkle of barely-there freckles on his nose, the way his clavicle has a little dip in it for you to trace with his tongue, the strength in his arms as he rocks you back and forth on him.

"Baby, ride me. I need it so bad." He begs. You begin lifting yourself up and down on him, almost completely off his length before sinking back down slowly. "Faster." He urges, gripping your ass with both hands and jerking you upward. "Faster, baby, please."

You groan loudly in response and kiss him hard, matching the thrust of your tongue inside his mouth to the thrusting rhythm of his cock going in and out of you. Dean lets go of one of your ass cheeks to grind his hand on your clit. "Fuck, don't stop." You choke out.

The water and bubbles are sloshing out of the tub and going all over the floor. You know it's going to be a bitch to mop it all up later, but damn, was it worth it. Dean begins to shudder, tightening his grip on your ass. "Baby, I'm so close. Come for me please. Need you to do it now." He pleads. "Come on my cock."

You throw back your head and quicken your pace. He brings a hand up and pinches your nipple hard, effectively sending you flying over the edge. You hear yourself grunt and moan like some kind of animal as your insides convulse around him. So not sexy you think to yourself as you struggle to control your ragged breathing. Dean is making some animalistic noises himself, and he leans forward, clamping his mouth down on your neck and sucking hard. He comes deep inside you, shooting rope after rope of hot cum into your cunt.

When Dean's orgasm subsides he withdraws from you gently, then turns you so that you're sitting between his legs, lying back against his chest. "Well, that was fucking awesome."

You can't help but laugh. "Who knew bath sex could be so damn good?" He chuckles.

A few weeks later, Dean and Sam are sitting in the library sharing a few beers when you stick your head in the door and call "Hey guys, I'm going to take a bath before I start your supper okay?"

"Again? That's the third time today!" Sam exclaims. "I swear you two live in the bathtub now. When did you become such clean freaks?"

You pretend you don't hear him. You're not even halfway down the hall when you hear Dean yell out "Baby, wait for me! I want to bathe again too!"

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