The Things We Do For Love (little angst, lotta smut)

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You sit outside the bunker in your car for what seemed like hours. You know you need to go in and talk to Sam and Dean, especially Dean, but something inside you says to start your car back up and just drive as far as you can. You close your eyes as your tears start to fall onto the steering wheel. You screwed up big time.

"Y/N?" You jump and turn to see Castiel sitting in the front passenger seat.

"Cas, what the hell? You scared me!" you wipe your tears quickly.

"You were praying. I wanted to see if you were okay." He says, concern etched across his face.

"I'm fine." you answer quickly, but one look at your tear-stained face proves otherwise.

"Y/N, what have you done?" he asks sadly, and the words echo in your mind. You flash back to Dean's horrified face, to Sam shaking his head no over and over.

"What have you done?" Cas repeats, and you see the words coming from Dean's mouth. "Y/N? Talk to me." Cas urges you.

"I did the right thing Cas, and I won't apologize for it. Cain said that the Mark would destroy Dean, it would make him hurt the people he loved, and I couldn't-" you are full-fledged sobbing now. "I couldn't let that happen to him. I couldn't watch him do that to himself!"

"So you volunteer yourself for this burden? Y/N, no one should have to carry this on their shoulders, especially not you. You're so worried about Dean, why is that? Why don't you think of yourself?" he demands.

You sigh. "Because I love him more than I love myself."

Cas doesn't even look surprised. "I assumed as much. You need to talk to him, tell him how you feel. We've all been worried." After you'd taken the Mark you'd just left. You couldn't stand the way Dean looked at you, like you'd hurt and betrayed him. You'd been gone for weeks now, but then you got a voicemail for Sam saying it was time to come home, and you knew he was right.

"Will you come with me Cas?" you plead.

"No, Y/N. I think you know this is something you need to do on your own." He tells you, and you know that he's right.

"Does he hate me?" you ask, afraid of the answer.

"Talk to him, Y/N. Today. Now." With that, he's gone. You climb out of the car and make your way to the bunker.


Y/N?" Sam asks as you walk into the library. He stands and after a moment of hesitation, crosses the room and wraps you in a hug. "Are you okay? You didn't answer any of my calls." He says accusingly.

"I'm fine Sammy. I just needed to get away for a while. Clear my head. I'm okay, really." You insist.

WHAM! You realize that Dean has left the library and gone to his bedroom, slamming the door. Sam smiles at you weakly.

"He's pretty pissed, Y/N. We don't know what the hell you were thinking. What were you thinking? Why did you do this? Is it some kind of martyr thing?" You head reels from the questions flying from his mouth.

"Sam, do you really not know why I did this? You have no idea?" you ask in response.

He steps back and studies your face. You can see the moment the realization dawns on him. "Holy shit, Y/N, really? Since when?" He suddenly breaks into a wide grin.

"I don't know. Seems like forever, and why are you smiling?"

"You'll find out. You need to go talk to him. Explain why you did this. He'll understand." He urges you.

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