Night Moves (smut, public sex)

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The moment you laid eyes on Dean Winchester, you knew you had to have him.

He sauntered into your life with those muscular bow legs and pouty pink lips and you were instantly smitten. The first time he'd spoken to you, you had felt your heart flutter up into your throat. The first time he'd smiled and you'd noticed his eyes crinkle in the corners, you'd felt your cheeks ache from smiling back at him so widely. When he'd touched you for the first time, casually running his fingertips over your hand to comfort you, you'd felt like your skin was on fire.

There was something about him. It wasn't just that he was hot, granted he was, very much so, but there was something there lurking under the surface, something different than you'd seen or felt with any other man. Both passion and indifference. Strength and vulnerability. The desire to both save everyone around him and run away to start a new life far away from his responsibilities.

He was a prideful man. Proud and arrogant and foolish. But there was wisdom and experience in everything he did. You watched him without him being aware of it, hunting side-by-side with him, studying his every move, committing it to memory. You'd never seen such a man, and you knew you'd never meet another like him.

You also watched as he took a different woman to bed every few days. You were fascinated with this as well, at how smooth and crafty he was. He was the picture of confidence and sex, clearly used to the fact that every woman in whatever sleazy bar you'd landed in only had eyes for him, yourself included. That smug smirk on his face was every women's dream. You pictured that smirk between your legs, giving you pleasure you'd never felt before. When he touched a woman's waist or slipped a hand under her skirt to stroke her bare thigh, you felt his touch on your skin.

Tonight Dean hadn't seemed interested in any women in the bar. You watched as he politely rebuffed their advances, sitting with his eyes glued to you. You couldn't help but wonder what his game was, but you were more than willing to play.

A few drinks into the night, he crossed the room and sat down beside you, letting his leg touch yours. "Hi Y/N." He murmured huskily, reaching out and touching your bare shoulder. "Can I ask you a question?"

You sipped your beer and nodded, turning in your seat to stare at him openly. "Ask away."

He slipped a hand into your hair, softly tugging at the silky strands. "Why aren't you into me?"

You couldn't help the chuckle bubbling in your throat. "Who says I'm not into you?"

Dean frowns, studying your face. "We've been hunting together for months and you've never looked at me twice. I'm not used to that. Most women trip over themselves to get in bed with me."

"Don't you find that the slightest bit annoying? That these women just fawn all over you without knowing you?" You murmur knowingly, laying a hand on his thigh suggestively. "I mean, they don't know what you like. They don't take the time to know, do they? It's just a quick roll in the hay and then they're gone."

"Isn't that how one night stands work?" Dean jokes feebly.

"Indeed. But I feel like I know you well enough now Dean Winchester, to say that you don't want another one night stand. You're tired of meaningless sex with women who forget your name as soon as they're on the other side of the door. You want more than that."

"Think you've got me all figured out, hmm?" He asks, still twisting your hair around his fingers.

"I know I do." You reply confidently.

Dean suddenly pulls you against him, your chest flush with his. "Maybe you're right. Say I am looking for a relationship. Know anyone that would be interested?"

You pretend to think. "Not right offhand, but give me a day or two?"

He growls and yanks you closer. "You can't think of anyone?"

You give him an innocent look. "What are you implying?"

"I'm not implying anything. I'm saying that you want me. And...." He trails off, running a fingertip down your neck, causing you to shiver. "I'm saying that I want you too."

"I'm not a one night stand kind of girl, Winchester. You're barking up the wrong tree." You caution him.

"I don't think one night with you would satisfy me." Dean replies with a smirk. "I'd need a few months, at least."

"Try a few years, baby, then we'll talk." With that, you slip out of his arms and out of the booth, heading to the exit. You're halfway across the parking lot before he catches up to you. When he grabs your shoulder and spins you around, you let yourself fall against him as his lips claim yours. They're warm and inviting, and you taste whiskey on his tongue. Not caring who might see, he scoops you up and carries you to his car, opening the door and depositing you in the backseat.

In an instant, your clothes are off and his hands are everywhere, teasing and enticing you. You're vaguely aware that you're naked in a dim parking lot full of cars, but you can't bring yourself to care. Dean is on top of you, his body covering yours, his breath hot in your ear.

He enters you in one swift motion, burying himself to the hilt. Your heat envelops him and he groans loudly, feeling you clench your muscles around his aching cock. His hand finds your clit and he teases the little nub, gauging your reaction as he tests your body, seeing how much you can take before you explode for him.

Not to be outdone, you shove at his shoulders and he sits upright, pulling you with him. Straddling his lap, you lift your hips and sink back down on him, rolling your body in a tight circle. His mouth is on your breast, nipping and sucking and tasting you. When you clamp down on him and cry out his name, Dean shudders and tightens his hands on his waist, almost to the point of bruising.

He turns you and you're suddenly facing forward towards the bar. You see a group of people standing by the entrance, making no attempt to hide the fact that they're watching the two of you fuck. Dean notices them as well and chuckles. "Give them a show." He urges, and you do as he says while he bounces you on his cock. You knead your breasts and pinch your nipples, moaning loudly enough for the crowd to hear you.

Dean reaches around you to find your clit once more, and you grab the seat in front of you, using it to lift yourself up and down on him. The audience and his hands are your undoings, and you come like a tidal wave, soaking yourself and Dean's lap. He erupts moments later, pulling out of you and shooting his load on his stomach and your back.

After you both catch your breath, he uses his discarded shirt to clean you off. You dress and climb into the front seat, noting that the crowd has died down a bit, most have gone back into the bar.

"Who knew public sex was a kink of mine?" Dean jokes, joining you and taking his spot behind the steering wheel.

"I knew." You reply softly and he smiles at you, taking your hand and pressing a kiss to your knuckles.

"You think you've got me all figured out, huh?" He asks again with a smirk.

"I know I do." You shoot back with a grin. "Just like I know when we get to the hotel you're going to suggest we take a shower, and it's going to lead to you fucking me doggy style on the bathroom floor. Then you'll ask me to cuddle in bed with you, which is just foreplay before you tie my hands to the headboard and eat me out while I squirm. Then you'll untie me and fuck me with my legs over your shoulders."

Dean stares at you, wide-eyed. "You seem to know all my moves. No surprises tonight then, hmm?"

You laugh. "Oh sweetie, there'll be a lot of surprises."

He cocks an eyebrow, curious. You continue:

"I may know all of your moves, but you don't know any of mine."

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