say yes

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house: doesn't really matter but you can pick if you want to xx

blood status: your choice hun

year: five years after hogwarts :)

• • •

you smoothed the creases of your tight, white, silk dress and went into the lounge to wait for your boyfriend to finish getting ready.

he was taking you out on a date for your 4 year anniversary and you were very excited but nervous because he had been acting strange all day.

you met Draco a few months after leaving school, yes you were both in the same year but you never spoke to him as you never had reason to, so your paths never crossed until after you left Hogwarts where you bumped into him at a coffee shop in London.

you were getting over your long term boyfriend, Billy, who you split with because he didn't want the same things as you and Draco slowly healed your broken heart and made you happy again.

you got up from the sofa and went to get a small glass of water while you waited, eventually Draco strolled out in one of his many suits and smiled at you

"you are beautiful" he says eyeing you up

you put your glass in the sink and smile back
"you don't look too bad yourself"

"are you ready to go darling?" he asked as i grabbed his hand

"yep" you reply and he smiles and pecks you on the lips


for your date he took you to a fancy restaurant well away from London where you both talked about life and old memories while having the most delicious food, you both shared a dessert as there was no way you could have eaten one on your own

afterwards, he insisted on paying for it all which you both got into a little bicker about, he won and then you both went on a walk along the coastline.

you sighed happily your arm linked with Draco's as you looked out at the calm sea, the reflections of the stars and moon twinkling and the waves moved through the ocean.

"thank you for tonight, i really don't deserve you" you say

"you're welcome, but i think it's me who doesn't deserve you" he replied

"you always say that and it's not true" you tell him

"well it is a little bit" he says with a grin

you smile and shake your head "where are we going anyway?"

"to our favourite spot" he says with a hint of panic which you just shrugged off so you just smile at him and your gaze wonders ahead of you where your blood runs cold as you notice Billy walking with another girl towards you.

"Billy" you mutter

"what?" Draco asks "i'm not Billy"

you look at him confused "what? no not you over there, oh merlin i can't be doing with this"

"it's okay i'm right here" Draco tells you

"y/n? is that you?" Billy called as you near him

you nod with a small smile and Billy grins but that slightly disappears when he sees who you're with

"Malfoy" he nods to which Draco returns it but you could tell he didn't really care

"what brings you two here?" Billy asks

"anniversary date" you reply awkwardly "you?"

"uh just a date, i didn't know you guys were together" Billy says nodding to you and Draco

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