lazy sunday

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house: it doesn't matter, pick if you want to tho

blood status: any :)

year: after hoggy xxx

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you yawn as you feel the warm beams of the sun on your face as you slowly awake from your slumber. the white sheets tangled in your legs as you faced the other way moving lazily while doing so.

you automatically curl an arm around your fiancé, Draco who had been awake for some time now, he smiled as he watched you stir and gently pulled you closer so your head was resting on his bare chest.

you let out a happy sigh as he kisses the top of your head and you place a soft kiss on his collarbone before snuggling into his chest.

"morning darling" he says happily

"no i'm still sleeping" you mumble making him chuckle slightly

"it's one of them mornings then is it?" he asks and you just nod in response and he just smiles down at you, he moved his gaze to your hand that was resting across him and stared at the diamond ring on your finger reminding him that he was going to be marrying the love of his life.

you both had only recently got engaged but it was the happiest moment ever.

"do you want breakfast?" Draco asked you while softly stroking your hair

"maybe in an hour" you reply not opening your eyes

"darling we need to get up eventually" Draco chuckles

"no we don't it's Sunday" you mumble into his chest

"haven't we got a wedding to plan" he asks

you open one eye and look up at him
"please i planned my wedding at the age of 7"

Draco raised an eyebrow at you "you're kidding"

you blink as your eyes adjust to the sunlight before turning onto your front your chin resting on him
"no i'm not! i even made a scrapbook" you grin

Draco laughs "you girls are crazy"

you rolls your eyes as your finger traces along his collarbone softly
"no it's just something some girls dream about"

"so do i get to see this scrapbook of yours or do i just wait till the wedding" Draco asks smiling

you laugh "of course you can see it.. well if i can find it that is" you add thoughtfully

"where did you last have it?" Draco asks

you shrug slightly "you know me memory of a goldfish"

Draco laughed "come on i want food"

you groan and turn back over "you don't need me for food"

"babe you know it's no fun making breakfast on my own" Draco whined shaking you a little

you turn around wrap both you arms around his neck and snuggle into him
"just five more minutes" you sigh happily

Draco's heart melted as he wrapped both his arms tightly around his fiancée's small waist, no one believed this moment would come hell even he thought he would never find himself in a situation where he could say that a girl would have him wrapped around her finger, that a girl held his true happiness, a girl he was completely head over heels in love with.

he placed a soft kiss on your head and began to picture your wedding day, your future, smiling as he watched you in his arms.

your arms were loose around his neck indicating you had fallen back asleep so he gave in and also went back to sleep.

after all it was sunday, or in their case, a lazy sunday.


a shorter one today but it's v cute!

hope you're all well!!❤️

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