Introduction 1

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Damon PoV:

Dropping a body to the floor as I finished my last kill for the night I heard an argument between a woman and her husband "I DONT WANT HER HER PARENTS ARE FREAKS!"

Talking a step closer I listened carefully. "I know I don't want her either god I wish I could drop her and run" I still had no idea what they were talking about but I was intrigued to say the least.

"Fine shall we just leave her here? I'm okay with it" the couple walked off and left behind a basket, as I stepped closer I saw a small baby girl swaddled in blankets. The most prominent thing was a huge lightning scar on her forehead.

"Oh my god did they leave you here?" I asked out loud, "Jesus Christ well I would take you in but I don't know if I would be any good" slowly I took the baby out of her basket and she huddled into my warmth, "I have to admit you are a cute little ...

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"Oh my god did they leave you here?" I asked out loud, "Jesus Christ well I would take you in but I don't know if I would be any good" slowly I took the baby out of her basket and she huddled into my warmth, "I have to admit you are a cute little thing"


I laid her down to rest and just as I did she stared to cry, shit I had no idea what to do. "Umm shh it's okay um you'll be fine" I picked her back up and held her and she immediately stopped crying. Oh god I'm in deep I was getting attached.

I was getting angry at myself and I flashed my vampire features accidentally. I realised but it was too late I waited for the crying and screaming to begin, but all I heard was a soft giggle. "Well I'll be dammed! your not scared are you princess?" I chuckled


I kept the baby for a few more days but I couldn't bring myself to leave her. So against my better judgment I decided that I would keep her and raise her as my own daughter. I still had to think of a name, I finally came up with a perfect name.

"Evangeline Salvatore how do you like the sound of that" she giggled and held my finger in her tiny hand as I smiled lovingly down at her.

7 years later

"EVA BREAKFAST!" She came flying round the corner at full speed and ran into my legs.

"Morning daddy!" She said with a sweet smile, "morning princess would you like pancakes? To celebrate the best day of the year?" As I didn't know when evas birthday was I just decided to say it was 7 months before I found her cause that seemed about right.

"Yes please daddy! With extra chocolate" she used her puppy dog eyes which was something she has picked up over the years, it worked everytime damnit.

"Yes yes of course princess"

"Daddy is it normal for things to set on fire randomly or fly around you?" I chocked on my drink.

"Sorry what princess can you make things float?"

"I don't know if it was me but my Teddy was floating"

"Okay baby I'll look into it you might be a very special girl, even more special than you already are!" I was amazed what are the chances that I adopted a witch of all things, I was also exited because I new that she could protect herself now which was a huge relief.

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