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Eva had spent the day with her dad catching up and talking about everything that was going on. She didn't know when her uncle Stefan would get back but she was exited to see him again. They had met a couple of times when she was on summer vacation and he was the mature figure she needed according to him which always made her chuckle.

The evening drew in and Caroline invited her to go to a senior prank night. She had no idea why because she didn't go to school there and she wasn't a senior but agreed anyway.

Caroline has asked her to go and get Elena. Just as she walked into the gym she saw Elena on the ground and a guys standing over her. Oh shit already in the middle of trouble. He turned to her with curious eyes.

"And who might you be love?" Ah the British accent must be klaus.

"Well I'm Evangeline Salvatore-potter, your klaus I presume?" She asked as calmly as She could.

"Yes love that would be me, I like the accent by the way" he winked at her "I didn't know the Salvatores had a sister?"

Eva snorted "they don't" sighing at his confused expression, "in Damon's daughter. Yes yes I know it's crazy but I'll just be over here carry on" she took a seat on one of the benches and klaus watched her with intrigue, confused as to why she was so calm.

However Elena was fuming that this was just one big joke to her.

"What love you aren't going to rescue everyone's precious Elena?" He asked baffled.

She let out a light giggle, "god no that doppelwench kissed my dad I just came to watch the show get on with it klaus I've got a front row seat!"

She tuned out the conversation until she heard the doors slam open. It was Stefan. She was so happy she finally got to see him again. She decided to wait to make her presence known.

"Stefan!" Elena cried, he didn't even spare her a glance.

"Ah come to save your damsel mate?" Klaus asked humourlessly.

"No I'm here to pledge my loyalty to you she means nothing to me" he spoke codly.

"I've had a enough of your lies, you've been lying to me all summer" klaus sneered

Eva had had enough and stood up quickly, "uncle Stefan!!" Eva cried and flew herself at him.

"Eva oh my god Eva! You need to get out of here your father would rip my head of if he knew your were here" Stefan was overwhelmed with joy when he saw his niece but also scared for her safety in front of klaus.

"No don't worry about me uncle I'll just be sitting over here" She chuckled to herself. She knew that her dad would not be fine with her being this close to klaus, but he knew she could defend herself if necessary. She turned to klaus and whispered in his ear, "don't hurt my uncle or I'll tear your bloody insides out also be sure to give Elena a good slap for me" she winked and walked back to the bench.

Klaus was dumbstruck and the nerve of this woman but it was also quiet hilarious. he would usually be mad about a threat but coming from a short human girl it seemed funny to him.

The doors once again flew open to reveal a beautiful long haired blonde girl, dragging Tyler by his leg. God this could not get more hilarious she thought.

"Ah id like everyone to meet my little sister Rebekah,word of warning she can be quiet mean." Klaus announced.

"Don't be an ass" she sneered. Eva chuckled and said "I like her" winking at the blonde girl. They exchanged small smiles before getting back down to business.

"No bonnie Matt get out!" Elena screamed.

"Ahh the witch is here I assume your the reason the doppelgänger is still alive and well"

"Yes that's right if your going to blame anyone blame me" Bonnie proudly announced, Eva rolled her eyes and slumped in her seat causing the attention to go to her.

"Getting bored love?" Klaus questioned.

"No not at all I just thought there would be more maiming  and killing than this but I'll manage" she shot klaus a sarcastic smile. Causing everyone to look at her in shock. She shrugged her shoulders, "what? Call me morbid gotten used to it" before turning her attention back to her phone.

"Right well you see Bonnie your witchy interference has caused some undesirable side effects every time I try to make a hybrid they die. It's quiet gory really" I grabbed Tyler but into his wrist forcing him to swallow his blood. "So I need you to figure out what is wrong and for Tyler's sake" and then he snapped his neck. "You'd better hurry. go on fetch your grimroires and watnot I'll keep Elena here for safe keeping"

Bonnie and Matt scurried our of the room, as rebakah approached Elena. "So this is the latest doppelgänger, the original one was much prettier" Eva chuckled with her.

"Enough take wolf boy somewhere else would you!" Klaus ordered.

Eva got up from her seat "sir can I be excused" she put her hand up as if she was in a classroom, "no offence but I think your sister is more fun" before he could retaliate she rushed out the door with rebakah by her side.

Rebakah watched the girl curiously, "I've never heard anyone speak to my brother like that and live to tell the take quiet honestly"

"Ah he couldn't kill me even if he tried" Rebekah raised her eyebrows in question but Eva waved her hand dismissing it. "I'll tell you another time when and if I trust you, kinda got trust issues" she darkly chuckled.

"God me too living with siblings as crazy as mine you'd have to be mad to trust anyone"

"I'm sorry I didn't introduce myself I'm Evangeline Salvatore-Potter, and before you ask I'm Damon's daughter, well adopted he found me abandoned and took me in so yeh that's my story" she turned to rebakah. "I have to get back to my dad now but you could give me your phone number I only arrived a few days ago and don't have many friends currently" Eva asked hopefully.

Rebekah was shocked that she was offering to be her friend, she instantly took a liking to this girl and knew they would be the best of friends. It exited her because she hasn't had a true friend in a long time. "Yes! Okay call or test me whenever and we can go shopping or do whatever teenagers do these days" they Both laughter together.

"Okay by Bex!" Eva called over her shoulder, rebakah was happy with the nickname.

"By E!" Bekah called after her, hoping it was not too early for nicknames.

Eva apperated home quickly to find her dad lying in her bed, she crawled up next to him.

"Night, love you dad"

"Love you princess" he whispered as they both fell into a slumber.

The girl who lived in Mystic Falls - Kol Mikealson (HPxTVD)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu