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When Rebekah woke up this morning she was in a horrible mood her brother left her! He left her here all alone. She only had one friend here so she decided to go to the Salvatore house.

She barged down the door "E WHERE ARE YOU" she called, Eva came running downstairs.

"Bec are you okay? What's wrong? Are you hurt?" Eva asked with worry in her voice she always assumed the worst when people asked for her help. But Rebekah was touched that someone cared about her enough to ask her this. She rushed forward and engulfed Eva in a hug.

"He left me he actually left me here alone" Eva pulled back and held Bekahs shoulders.

"Don't worry bex you can stay here I'm sure my dad won't mind you can share my room." Eva was surprised at how nice she was being because she usually is a bitch to people she hasn't met before but bex and her just seemed to click.

"Oh my god thank you so much I was worried I would have to compel someone to let me stay in their house" she rushed out.

"No problem it's what besties do, oo we should get the alcohol out and have a girls night"

Damon came rushing down the stairs to see what the commotion was about, "morning princess and who is this?"

"Oh sorry dad this is Rebekah my new friend and she will be staying with us until her brother someone back" she gave her puppy dog eyes.

"Ah Ah young lady I know what your trying to do puppy dog eyes don't work on me any more" Eva raised an eyebrow at this, "okay they do but I still have some questions"

Rebekah said "ask away"

"One are you a threat, two are you gonna corrupt her and three are you gonna introduce her to any boys"

"DAD!" Ugh this was embarrassing

"No, no and unless you count my waste of space brothers then no" Bekah liked the protective dad mode that Damon had gone into. "I was going to keep this hidden but it will either make you hate me or make E feel safe... I'm an original and my brother is klaus but he left me here that backstabbing wanker and Eva is my only friend but I can protect her cause you know I can't be killed" Bekah wanted approval from her new friends father so he wouldn't have issues with them hanging out.

Damon pondered this for a moment and glanced at Evas hopeful face, Bekah just seemed like a nice girl and his daughter wasn't the best at making friends so he wasn't going to stand in the way of his baby having fun. "Okay fine don't drink to much" Eva ran and hugged her dad. He walked out of the door towards the grill to meet Elena and Bonnie.

Elena and Bonnie were going to tell Damon about his daughters behaviour last night to try and convince him that his daughter was up to no good. He strolled in and took a seat opposite the girls.

"Witchy, Elena" he nodded at the girls.

"Damon do you know that Eva is friends with the originals?" Elena questioned.

Damon stole a fry of her plate and popped it into his mouth, "yup Barbie klaus is staying with us for a while" he said nonchalantly.

Elenas eyes widened, "what?! I hope your joking"

"Nope seems like a nice girl, Eva has a good judge of character and I trust her" which is true she could always tell when someone was being truthful which made Damon feel good as she was surrounded by people she trusts.

"Well then your daughter is either bad or she's insane" Bonnie commented.

Damon snapped his head up towards the girls, "listen here witchy she is my daughter and I trust her, if you called me here today to try and turn me against her then you've got another thing coming"

Elena let out a sign, "we are just worried about you damon"

"She's my daughter for gods sake why would I worry" he chuckled, this was free entertainment to him.

Bonnie looked curiously at Damon, "well then would you mind telling us what she is?"

"I beg your pardon?" Damon was not happy with Bonnie sticking her nose in where it doesn't belong.

"She's powerful I can tell she has magic all around her, why are you hiding her from us she can help Elena" Bonnie answered

Damon let out a dry chuckle, "listen up both of you my daughter will not be used in any of your schemes if she ever and I mean EVER gets put in harms way because of you two I will personally kill you and everyone you have ever laid eyes on" he let out a deep breath "Bonnie I suggest you keep your trap shut if you don't want any more trouble, and you Elena I expected better" and with that he got up and left.

Bonnie was seething and Elena was furious, he has all but confirmed their suspicions that she was a supernatural creature. And if she could help why wouldn't she help her father? She just seemed to be selfish to Elena.

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