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After Eva had informed klaus and Elijah of the dinner they thought it was a brilliant idea, a chance to actually get to know the girl Rebekah seemed to be infatuated with and to interrogate Stefan as well.

Seven soon approached and Stefan had already made his way there, making sure not to be a second late. Eva was waiting until she checked that Stefan had left before apperating to the mikealson manor. Before she got a chance to knock the door swung open to reveal who she presumed to be Elijah in his suited glory.

"Good-evening Elijah" she held her hand out to shake and he placed a kiss on the back of her hand.

She walked in and seated herself while Elijah, klaus and Stefan stared at her. She cleared her throat. "Lovely to see you again klaus, how are the hybrids coming along?" She inquired.

"Very well thank you love" he raised his glass towards her.

"Well if you need any more doppelgänger blood just let me know I'll be happy to hook that bitch up to a tap and squeeze every last drop out of her" she smiled cheerfully while klaus choked on his wine, Elijah looked at her in shock she seemed so innocent but then again she was Rebekahs friend.

"So how did you meet our darling sister" Elijah asked.

She chuckled "well I had just gotten in to town the day klaus and Stefan arrived back, I was watching the show that klaus was making in the gym, bex walked in instulted Elena, gave me her number and then when, mr big bad hybrid over here" gesturing to klaus "decided to leave his baby sister by herself my dad let her stay and we have been inseparable ever since" she smiled at the fond memories.

"Very interesting, so Stefan, my good friend, how is my doppelgänger?" Klaus asked.

"She's in hospital" Stefan announced.

Eva cut in, "oh goodness is she okay? What happened?" She mocked concern.

"Hmmm I don't know eva. Oh that's right my physco niece decided to torture her and break every broke in her leg!"

Eva just shrugged while Elijah spoke, "so eva what is you full name" she wasn't going to include the potter bit because she figured they would know something about her, she has already covered the scar with makeup as a precaution.

"Evangeline Salvatores I'm Damon's daughter" she said proudly. "He found me abandoned in the street by my aunt and uncle he killed them and then he took me in and raised me as his own" she was so full of pride for the man she loved most in this world.

"So onto more serious matters" klaus asked "where are my family?What do I need to do threaten a few people kill a few is that gonna make you listen?"

"I suggest Elena can I go fetch her? Or Bonnie they seem to like each other. I will happily kill them both" Eva was exited to see if she could kill them

"Now now calm down love" klaus tutted her as she pouted, "your darling niece had just kindly offered to kill your girlfriend and your friend so I suggest you go and fetch the bloody coffins" he growled the last part and flashed his hybrid face.

"Okay fine I'll go get them just don't hurt anyone" Stefan said with his hands up.

"Elijah go and keep him honest make sure he gets them all" klaus asked Elijah. And they left to go and let the coffins

"That was far to easy I think they are planning something nik" Eva was apprehensive towards this situation he has seemed far to willing to just give over his leverage.

"Oh I'm nik now am I, are we becoming friends?" He asked sarcastically.

I'm just rolled my eyes, "don't get ahead of yourself"

"Wel- Elijah why haven't you left yet?" Elijah and Stefan came round the corner. Oh shit.

"See I've learned than to trust your vulgar promises Niklaus and I've decided to take matters into my own hand" Elijah held out a tray to reveal three daggers.

A very handsome man came around the corner I presumed he was kol . Why did nik have to dagger the most attractive one. He sped towards nik and stabbed him. Same happened for Finn and the Bekah who just ran and hugged him much to everyone's suprise.

"BEX" I shouted and ran to her she lifted me up and we both laughed together. "I'm so sorry I wasn't there I would have stopped them if I knew I-"

"E it's fine don't worry I knew you didn't have anything to do with it"

"I broke elenas legs and shes still in hospital" she said happily "and vampire blood isn't working I wonder why" she winked and they both smirked evilly at each other.

"Has Rebekah finally got a friend or am I just going mad?" Kol asked the room.

"Oh shut up kol" bex clapped back.

They were about to lunge at each other when a woman walked into the room who she immediately identified as Esther the created of vampires.

"Mother" bex breathed out and squeezed my hand.

"Niklaus do you know why I'm here" Ester spoke

"To kill me" nik whimpered

"No I want us to be a family again j have come to forgive you" bullSHIT Eva was thinking. There is no way she was gonna forgive that. She was lying through her teeth.


Esther slowly turned to the girl she didn't recognise. But upon closer inspection she saw the scar on her forehead. Esther knew that her plan would not work unless this girl was put down she was from the Merlin clan which were known very powerful. From the other side the spirits have talked about Evangeline potter the girl who lived but she thought it was a myth.

"Evangeline potter" Esther stated

Shit cover blown. "Ah yes I go by Eva Salvatore but whatever floats your boat I guess" Kol snickered

"I am confused as to what you are doing in the company of my children, why so far from home"

Eva narrowed her eyes at the woman. Bitch. "Well no home to go there now is there? I suggest you don't antagonist Esther" Rebekah was seeing how eva was loosing her cool and stepped in to hold her hand slowing pulling her away as Eva continued to glare at the witch. "Well it was lovely meeting you all but gotta go you know places to be people to kill" she kissed Rebekah on the cheek before leaving through the front door and apperating home.

Kol stool shocked at the interaction, she was something alright. "Who the bloody hell was that?"

"that's bekahs new human friend" klaus stated.  Rebekah snorted but covered it with a cough. Esther eyed her family curiously.

"Rebekah it's not safe having her in out home" she said

"Mother she is no harm to us she has saved my life and niks numerous times" Rebekah proudly replied.

The witch narrowed her eyes at her daughter. Her plan would surely be unsuccessful if they had potter protecting them. "Rebekah i don't know how much you know but s-"

"Yes mother I know everything about her now leave it" she stormed out at the room. She was worried that her mother was going to expose Eva for who she really was and then people would know of her location and try to kill her.

The girl who lived in Mystic Falls - Kol Mikealson (HPxTVD)Where stories live. Discover now