Chapter 13

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Once Flora returned through the portal, she saw her friends talking to each other.

Stella: Flora, your back!!!!

Stella gave a hug to Flora.

Aisha: You were gone for two days.

Flora: I know, but can I get some sleep please?

James: Ok.

Flora left to her house.

Chase: Just when you wanted the entire story.

Tyler: But let her get some rest as well, the adventure she must have had must be tiring.

Keeper: I agree, but me and Zenowing have to go back to our home planet.

Prince Philip: You have to go already? Do you need our energems?

Keeper: You guys can keep the energems and we have to go now, the earth is safe now, I know Flora has got the rangerix fairy transformation and has made a wish that the rangers and the fairies move between ranger dimension freely without affecting the morphin grid.

Bloom: Is the rangerix power the special power that can be gifted to one person only?

Keeper: Yes Bloom.

Aisha: Looks like it is a goodbye then.

Zenowing: Yes.

Ivan: I hope we can see you again.

Koda: I agree, we'll see you again someday.

Miss Morgan: We'll miss you.

Keeper: Bye my friends.

Everyone: Bye!

Keeper and Zenowing left.

Miss Morgan: Actually, you guys can call me Kendall now.

Shelby: Ok Kendall.

Musa: This will take a while on getting use to.

Tecna: Same, I actually kind of wish seeing the other ranger dimensions.

Bloom: Yeah, I wonder how its like their?

James: Maybe full of other power rangers.

Riley: and monsters.

Ivan: and megazords.

All: laughed.

Winx Club crossover power rangers dino chargeWhere stories live. Discover now