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"The boy who lived?" I asked in disbelief. A nickname too? Everyone bloody lives, what was special about him?

"That's right. His name is Harry Potter," Mum said, smiling at the expression on my face. "Don't judge him until you know the full story."

I sighed, turning to Dad, who was silently staring at the wall.

"What do you think?" I asked him. He jumped, as though he had been thinking deeply. Mum placed a hand on his arm, as he said, "I think he should be in your year at Hogwarts!"

Wow brilliant. As if on cue, Harry Potter and the large man walked into the small space. Hastily, I rushed to hide behind my parents. My parents rushed forward to greet them, but not before my Mum raised her eyebrows at me, as I'm normally quite a confident person. I just shrugged and followed after them.


As people rushed towards me, clapping and seizing my hand, I just stood there, allowing myself to be pushed around. Why was everyone doing this? I didn't know what to say or do! Glancing around, I noticed every eye was on me. Every eye except one. A pretty girl was staring at Hagrid, from one of the back exits. She was the only one that looked about my age. Maybe she was going to Hogwarts too! Thanking everyone, I tried to pull myself away from everyone, but quickly got pulled back, losing sight of the girl. I looked up again, scanning the crowd for her face. My emerald eyes met her hazel ones, gaining her attention. I smiled as I noticed her mouth hanging slightly open, staring straight at me. Blushing, she quickly snapped out of her trance when she saw me looking. I smirked, causing her to send me a dirty look, whipping her small body round and disappearing quickly out the door. I looked away just in time to see Hagrid announce that we had to go.

"Where do we go now Hagrid?" I asked, walking next to him as everyone settled back down, most eyes following me still as we walked towards the same door the girl had just gone through.

"Follow me," Hagrid said, smiling down at me. Following him, he led us out to a small courtyard, with nothing but a few bins and a brick wall.

"Hagrid!" I heard a voice say. Turning around, I saw a couple walking towards us.

"Jake! Ruby! Didn't see yeh there! How are yeh both?" Hagrid said happily, shaking the mans hand. The man winced slightly as Hagrid shook it, as he was obviously a lot bigger.

"Really good, thank you," said Jake, his wife smiling warmly at Hagrid, then to me.

"You must be Harry," she said kindly.

I nodded. "Yes ma'am."

"Don't be silly, dear, call me Ruby. And this is Jake." I smiled at them both gratefully. Jake stayed silent, watching me closely.

"S'pose yer here fer Millie?" Hagrid questioned. "There yeh are! Hello, Millie!"

Looking past Jake, I saw the same girl I had seen in the leaky cauldron standing behind her parents.

"Hi! So, you're Hagrid. Dad's told me all about you!" Millie smiled, stepping out from behind her parents.

"All good things I hope," Hagrid chuckled. Millie nodded, grinning. "And this is Harry, yeh two will be in the same year at Hogwarts."

Her eyes darted to me. She lifted her hand slowly and waved, her eyes not leaving mine. I waved back, raising my eyebrows. Ruby and Jake were now deep in conversation with Hagrid, so I took this opportunity to step forward and talk some more with the girl.

Together (A Harry Potter love story) 1Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang