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"Gryffindor first years this way!"

We followed Percy through the crowds, out the great hall, and up the staircase. My legs felt heavy because I was so tired and full of food. I felt an arm wrap around my shoulders, and looked up to see Harry's annoying smirk.

"Nope." I waved him away weakly.

He pulled a face, before starting up a conversation with a few boys behind us. Mione laughed at the disgusted look on my face. A small smile formed on my lips, but it quickly vanished when she came to a halt and dragged me backwards.


"Look!" She pointed in front of us, and my eyes fell on a bundle of walking sticks, which were floating in mid-air ahead of us. Percy took a step forward and instantly, they began throwing themselves at him. I heard Ron snigger.

"Peeves," Percy whispered to everyone. "A poltergeist."

"That's why your Dad warned you," Harry said from behind me.

I hummed, watching as Percy raised his voice, "Peeves - show yourself!"

A loud sound, like the air being let out of a balloon, answered.

"Do you want me to go to the bloody baron?"

There was a 'pop' and a small man with dark eyes and a wide mouth appeared, floating cross legged in the air, clutching the walking sticks.

"Oooooo," he said, with an evil cackle. "Ickle firsties! What fun!"

He swooped suddenly at us, and I grabbed Mione and pulled her down.

"Go away Peeves, or the baron'll hear about this, I mean it!" Barked Percy.

Peeves stuck out his tongue and vanished, dropping the walking sticks on Nevilles head. I quickly hurried over and helped him up. He turned bright red.

"You want to watch out for Peeves," said Percy, as we set off again. "He won't even listen to us prefects, the bloody barons the only one that can control him. Ah, here we are."

I looked ahead to see a portrait of a very fat woman in a pink dress.

"Password?" She said.

"Caput draconis," said Percy, and I gasped as the portrait swung forward to reveal a large hole in the wall. I helped Neville climb through it, and we found ourselves in the Gryffindor common room. I knew I would like it instantly, for it was really warm and comfortable.

"Girls dormitory just through this door here, up the stairs and down, boys, the same on your left." Percy said, pointing in the directions. "You'll find all your belongings have already been brought up. Goodnight!"

"He's so rude," Ron said, watching his brother walk off. "Thinks he can just boss everyone around because he's a prefect."

"Well, I think he's been extremely helpful." Mione said, turning to Ron.

"See you in the morning, yeah?" Harry said quietly to me, as Ron snapped back at my friend.

"Yep," I said, before grabbing Mione's hand. "Come on. Night, Ronald!" I added, calling loudly over my shoulder. His nose scrunched at the sound of his new nickname, but shouted a "goodnight!" back.

Mione and I ran up the spiral staircase together, hand in hand, until we reached the top.

"We must be in one of the towers!" Hermione exclaimed, pushing open a wooden door.

I eagerly followed her into our new room, where we found our beds at last: four four-poster beds hung with deep-red velvet curtains.
"Wow," I whispered, beginning to pull on my pyjamas.

Too tired to talk much, we fell onto our beds and soon fell fast asleep.


Omg Harry and Millie remind me of James and Lily already, the way he is flirting with her and she is having none of it!

~ Ariana x

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