How to script

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Now i will teach you how to start your adventure into whatever u would like to script now this is how i scripted mine and i love to make as much detail as possible so that my dr was perfect when i went but your script can be perfect weather its a fan-fiction with 100 chapters or if its a post it note dont compare your script to someone elses they will not be the same ever beacuse this is your perfect life not theirs and dont worry about forgetting something even if u dont know u want something the universe knows and will help u out and fix it or add it for u also your script DOES NOT HAVE TO BE ON PAPER it can be on google docs or your phone notes app anything u want as long as u type or write it out.

Now u can also group shift with friends but everything about the setting and characters need to be the same for u all to get into the same universe 

So first you want to describe how you look and act in your dr your

-Name: (first middle last does not have to be the one you have now could be any name u want)

-Nickname: (what do your friends and family call you what do you go by)

-Age: (you can be older or younger its all your choice)

-Birthday: (just the day month and year u were born)

-Gender: (Male or female. Or are you gender fluid or are u something else explain it a bit)

-Orientation: (What is your orientation sexual or romantic)

-Ethnicity: (It dosent have to be where your shifting too you can be a different ethnicity or keep it the same as you are right now)

-Nationality: (describe where you grew up in your dr and how it effected you)


-Internal sterotype: (How do you think about yourself do u love yourself in your dr are you a cocky person, are you shy and more reserved, ect.)

-Visage: (how do you look eyes nose mouth hair ect. you can also use pictures and put them in)

-Physique: (How is the build of your body explain it here also u can use pictures to show what you want to look like)

-Details: (how do you like to dress alternative fashion, preppy, goth, ect. what kind of things appeal to you what are some of your intrest what do you like to eat drink where do you like to shop whats your favorite show what is your favorite smell. all that anything u find important or that you want for your character add it)

-Personal impression: (what do you think people think about you do people see you as a happy person or a sad person are you angry looking or are you sweet and approachable ect. whatever u want)

-Habbits and manirisms: (what do you do subconsciously like do you tap your pencil when your nervous or when your tired do you yawn uncontrollably ect. add some flavor to your dr self)

-Skills and hobbies: (What are you good at dancing singing ect. do u like doing it is it fun for you are you good at it. Were you forced to do it write down what u would like to be able to do in your dr)

-Fears: (what are you afriad of you can also have no fears if you would like)

-Motivation: (What makes u want to do what u do like why do you want to be a hero why do you want to dance ect.)

-Dreams: (What do you aspire to be in the future)

-Vital memory: (What memory shaped u to be who u are and motivates you to this day)

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