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So a method is the way your going to shift to your desired reality im going to be sharing with you the best of the best ok and remember to keep trying different ones till you find yours there is a perfect method for you, you just have to find it also dont ask what is the easiest whats easy for one person may be hard for you but what is easy for you may be hard for another person.  Here are some of the best of the best methods. Also pls dont get discouraged if it dosent work on your first try this takes time and everyone is different dont compare your time to someone elses pls you got this its in your destiny dont ever think this isent for you this is for you and you will do it be patient and dont ever lose hope. and even if you cant see something while imagining say its there in your head and it will help you if your not good at imagining. DO NOT MOVE WHILE DOING A METHOD IT WILL RESET YOU

THE MOON METHOD: where you put on your favorite edit audio or multiple and visualize your desired reality self in the edit. While doing that visualize your desires reality as well. Then once the edit audio finishes or the compilation finishes you should see a white light, and/or feel you're in your dr. Right now my hearts beating fast and when that happens I usally feel I'm in my dr. Then viola you have shifted (Created by: Mooniiexe)

STEVEN UNIVERSE METHOD:lay in any position you want. Imagine you and a person from your dr are in a flower field dancing to music together. at the end of the song hold eachother close and lean into eachothers faces(or lean into eachother in general.) then imagine youre both fusing together like theyre becoming a part of you. At the end of the fusion there will be a mark on the back of your hand representing your character (for example hisokas star and tear.) At the end say in your dr selfs voice"the universe and I are now connected and I have shifted." (Made by: Milky.Tea)

ESTELLE METHOD: Get in a comfortable position, lay down, sit down, it doesn't matter. i want you to focus on your breathing for a few moments, take a few deep breathes first and release some tension. now, play a specific song, ( earphones/headphones recommended for this !! ) or just randomly go to one of your playlists and play something random. after this is done, close your eyes Now, once your eyes are closed, this is when the visualizing and feeling starts. i want you to visualize yourself in a room, a room that could be anything as long as it looks like it belongs in your dr. in that room, can be anything, but you specifically need a dance partner. can be anyone, just visualize you dancing with this person. (i usually visualize dancing with my dr rat bf because i get flustered while visualizing, and it makes me feel a lot more like my dr self) this is supposed to be a fluffy moment, 0.o for me, it really is. anyways, try and feel the nice breeze as you move around, just overall try and feel how it'd be, physically. when the song comes to an end, it doesn't matter what happens next; whether another song plays, it loops, silence. its all okay. the person that you were dancing with will say "it's time to go home now"(or you could say it) and lead you to a door, it can look however you desire. now, this MANLY!! person!! will open the door wide, just for you. behind the door, you will only see white. you need to walk into the white brightness, and you should feel some vibrating or general fuzzy feelings while stepping into the bright room Back to affirming, i want you to affirm to yourself, dr/shifting related affirmations. after a while, there is no specific time, might take 6 minutes, might take 20. you never know. anyways, at some point, you should feel like you're falling, like the floor went POOF POOF! everything in your vision should still be white, and your ears might start ringing. just wait a little longer, keep affirming !!! Once all that has ended and you feel that you're not falling anymore, your vision will fade to black, like what you see when you close your eyes, which your eyes should be closed at the moment. well..... open your eyes, firecracker, you're home. you've shifted, congratulations !!! (Suggested by Web, friend of mine,) YOU CAN PUT ANY MUSIC YOU WANT ON I PUT ON GAGA THEN FALL ASLEEP TO INDIE SO USE WHATEVER YOU LIKE

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