Symtoms/Signs of shifting

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So when you are shifting you will experience signs during a method and during the day indicating you are close to shifting and with help of my best friend Femboy yuu i got some of the biggest and best signs u might see and notice. Now you might experience more, all, or some but you should always feel something it will feel not normal such as wanting to itch and more ill explain. Also symptoms during the day or night to show you that you are close to shifting and will shift soon. 

SIGNS OF SHIFTING: (different people have different symptoms)

While trying a method you will experience many things indicating you are getting close such as-

-Getting light headed


-Extreamly tired

-Parts of your body might go numb

-You might feel the urge to itch

-Feel burning

-Feel cold

-Twitching such as eyes limbs and more

-Spasms in your muscles uncontrollable

-Feeling as if your floating


signs can be anything and u might not know im just telling you the most common ive encountered and that my friends have shared when they shifted and have tried to.

SYMPTOMS OF SHIFTING: (Also differnt per person)


-Being extreamly sleepy

-Feeling you will never shift for any reason

-Randomly feeling discouraged

-Randomly feeling like this reality isent that bad

-Being more moody or sensitive

-Not being yourself

-Feeling sick


-aching or joint pain

-Feeling like this reality isent real

-Feeling like your in a dream

-Things/People feeling unfamiliar even tho you know them or know what they are


Remember everyone is different and u might feel symptoms and not even know they are symptoms never lose hope and know u can do this i believe in you i know u can And these happen to you during the day like between trying to shift and other times dont worry tho these are all good signs and you should not be afraid of them 

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