It's nice to meet you, sir!

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Arthit never meant to blurt out that he is dating, let alone is engaged to someone, with his family the way that he did tonight.

One minute he was sitting at the dining table conversing with his uncle and father about his job at Ocean Electric and next his nosy aunt came barging in with a guest to set up with Arthit.

Everything just happened so suddenly. The girl was pushed to his side, blushing and his auntie and relatives were gushing about how cute they looked together. He was getting a huge headache just listening to them talk and the girl beside him, whom he didn't catch the name, was just basking in all the attention.

"Oh Arthit, you two look so good together. Don't you agree, brother?" His nosy aunt turned to his father who was laughing at his son's expense.

"If you say so Linda." his father shook his head as he downed a bottle of beer.

Clasping her hands together, Linda made her way to both Arthit and the female guest. She hooked her arm with her, whispering and giggling. He sighed, ready to ignore the rest of the conversation for the night.

He felt his phone vibrate in his jean pocket and saw a message from his fiance, Kongpob.

Kong: How's the family dinner P'Arthit? Are you doing okay?

He smiled as he read his love's message.

Arthit: Dinner was fine until Aunt Linda decided to be annoying.

Kong: Owww... How bad is it this time?

He just laughed at the other's reply. He has recounted several times to Kongpob about how his annoying aunt kept setting him up with girls 'cause she was worried for him. Every time a new girl was introduced to him, he always flats out rejects them to his aunt's chagrin. He recounted everything that happened within the last 5 minutes to his boyfriend. They've exchanged a couple of messages until the girl, who he has yet to know the name, came running to his side.

"P'Arthit guess what?" she clutched onto his arm tightly as she looked up at him.

He rolled his eyes and with a sigh, he asked, "what?"

"Aunt Linda said she'll be sponsoring our wedding!" She squealed as she shook his arm wildly from excitement. Everyone around them, especially the nosy aunt was gushing and congratulating the pair.

Time seemed to stop for Arthit and the next thing he knew, the girl was shoved to the side as he yelled, "Get your hands off me, and for the record, I'm already dating someone!"


Deafening silence.

Everyone just stared back at him as he tried to compose himself. He was pissed off at this random girl and he was immensely pissed at his aunt.

The silence was broken by Arthit's dad yelling "Finally!"

Arthit's dad, Ram, stood up to hug his son. The others just stood in his place stunned by his father's action. He felt the elder pat him on the back before pulling back to give his son a wide grin. His mother, Pensri, ran to give him a tight hug.

"I've waited so long for you to tell us you were dating someone, my son." Ram smiled as his mother released him from her hug.

"We've noticed a change in you every time you come for a visit Arthit. You are always glowing with happiness and you think we don't notice you smiling whenever you look at your phone." Pensri giggled.

He just smiled at his parents. Was he really that obvious? Both his parents were happy for him but will they be equally as happy when they find out who his fiance is?

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