I feel like dying!

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Kongpob's POV

'What the f*ck did I do in my previous life to deserve this kind of torture?!' was coming to my mind the moment I saw the task prepared by Arthit's father and uncles. If this happened to me in my previous relationship, I would've backed out the minute their father said "task". But my love for Arthit has proven once again to be stronger than what lies ahead.

Swallowing a lump stuck in my throat, I looked back at the three men beside me, all of them were wearing devious smirks on their faces and I knew I was about to experience hell tonight. Oh, and did I mention that Arthit's uncles had the decency to give me my own uniform, straight from the military. 'Kill me now!' Are they planning on enlisting me in the army?!

"Boy!" Ram, Arthit's father called my attention. I stood at attention facing the three bulky men. 

"Yes, sir!" I saw the smirk that played on the men's faces, but I stood my ground and put on a brave face, although deep down I was scared shitless. Don't get me wrong, I am physically fit enough to do lift weights, do pushups, sit-ups, and all that, but I for one can bet that the military course is far more strenuous than what I usually do.

Jake or was it Juno stood in front of me, hands behind his back and his aura intimidating. His face was devoid of emotion as he stepped closer to my face. "Listen here boy, I know for certain that any man deserving to take my one and only nephew away from is should be someone strong and determined. The tasks we prepared for you were tasks made to make men in the military cry and beg for mercy. If you can't handle such tasks then you have no right to claim my nephew as your husband."

I can feel a scowl forming on my face when he said that. I deserve my Arthit more than anyone!

The other twin came forward while the other stood back beside Ram. "Kongpob Suthiluck, for 48 hours you will be under our care. You will follow our orders as you pursue your tasks starting from sunrise 'till dawn. Be prepared for hell."

Lastly, it was Arthit's father who came forward. I can feel the rage in this man's eyes as he looks at me. "I don't know what you did to make my son fall for you and how he still chooses you after 6 years. But I have to prove your worth if you plan on marrying Arthit or my name isn't the former General Ram Rojnapat!"

Now I know one of the reasons Arthit was so scary and intimidating all those years ago when he was the head hazer. He comes from a military family and his dad was a former general to boot!

"Now private Kongpob!" Arthit's father's voice suddenly became commanding. "Do you see that course?" Pointing to the obstacle course that was a few meters beside us, I nodded my head.

 "Do you see that course?" Pointing to the obstacle course that was a few meters beside us, I nodded my head

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"I want you to complete twenty laps before sunrise with little breaks. Jake and Juno will be supervising you throughout the entirety of the course."

Calling out his twin brothers, Arthit's father left for the course. Facing Tweedledum and Tweedledee, I squared my shoulders and prepared myself for the upcoming storm. They both had their hands behind their backs as they enumerated the tasks that I was about to do.

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