Chapters 40

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Narrator's pov


"You two are ridiculous" Kate chuckled

"Katie my babie" Jamie squealed as she walked towards the brunette, wrapping her arms around the girl

"Jamie my Gaybie" Kate giggled

"I feel left out on this special reunion" Ethan pouted

"Awww come here" Kate chuckled as she extended her arm out for the boy to join

"If you insist" He playfully rolled his eyes and chuckled as he ran into the girl's arms, wrapping his own around her back as he pulled her close to his chest

Kate sighed as she took in the warm embrace of her two friends, their familiar scent meeting her nostrils. The scent she was so accustomed to having around her everyday for years. It was almost nostalgic, the memories of their time together flooded her senses

The time they roasted marshmallows inside using newspaper articles that held a cast lift of auditions they didn't get which resulted in the living room almost setting on fire and them accidentally using vodka instead of water to try and put out the fire since they were drunk and gay

A powerful and clumsy combination.

The time they all dropped to the floor and pretended to be dead when the landlord peaked through the window, awaiting his monthly rent

All to the time when Jamie got her first gig at a coffee shop and Ethan landing his first role in a small YouTube commercial that never got aired. At least it was something

"I missed you guys so much" Kate whispered

"Ew don't go all sentimental on me" Ethan glared

"Bitch you were crying two minutes ago in the car because you missed her voic-"

"That Ethan had died and will never return. We don't speak of my past" Ethan flipped his imaginary hair

"Awwwwwwww I missed you too Ethann" Kate squealed before squeezing the girl's sides

"Hey! Don't d- hahaha. Wait! Stop! It tickles!" Ethan giggled as he tried to fight off the girl's grasp

"Not until you tell me you love me" Kate glared

"I love youuu" Ethan giggled

"Oh- that was easier than I thought" Jamie laughed

Kate smiled and shook her head, her eyes landed on the three suitcases by the door which all belonged to Ethan

"Um.. Ethan? Why's there three suitcase-"

"Shhh Darling, don't ask a lady of class so many questions. Let's carry along shall we?" Ethan said in a thick English accent as he strutted past the brunette and wondered into the living room


"Girl, I don't even know" Jamie chuckled as she followed behind, heading into the living room

Jamie's eyes landed on the hundreds of posters secured on the wall, her eyes lit up under the bright golden lights of the chandelier before trailing over towards the black leather sofas and marbles floor

"Wow. This place is-"

"I know" Kate whispered

"Damn bitch, and you live here for free? Fuck a sleepover. I'm moving in" Jamie laughed

"You'll have to ask the roommate" Kate smiled as she walked over to the long sofa, plopping herself in the middle

"Wait. She's home!?" Jamie asked

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