Chapter 62

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Narrator's pov


Remember that tension we talked about in the previous chapter? Yeah let's just remember that and apply it to exactly what was happening right now

Thicker than a snicker and heavier than a Chevy, the so called adults acting like children at dinner time. Oh how the roles have been reversed

Switch life

Autumn's parents were at the end of the table with their younger daughter to their side while Autumn and Kate sat on the opposite end of the long table that was atleast twenty feet long for some reason. White table cloth hung to the floor while candles were lit along the table, decorated perfectly with white plates and glasses, awaiting to be served by the famous Chef June who was gathering everything to bring over

Green and blue eyes stabbing each other from across the table while Kate sat there with her brown orbs trying to think of ways to escape a dinner she didn't sign up for

Just like all of us with our homophobic families at Christmas

"Where is May?" the woman asked

"I don't know"

"How can you not know where your own agent is? God I knew that woman was a mess when I hired her. Best in the world they said"

"Don't talk about May like that" Autumn hissed

"Lower your voice with me Autumn" The girl's mother said in a stern manner

Autumn's eyes narrowed to the woman, almost as if she was planning her death with her eyes. But she stayed silent and sunk deeper into her seat, crossing her arms against her chest

"Sit up straight, you'll ruin your back" her father said

"Sorry" Autumn mumbled before adjusting herself again

Another confused stick hit Kate behind her head as she frowned, a second time hearing Autumn apologize for a small thing yet it was only to her father

"What films are you working on?" The man asked

"A project with Kate-"

"Who is that"

"Her?" Autumn said as she pointed to the brunette, Kate's cheek immediately burned red

"Hmm, I was wondering why she was here" The man said

"Why is she here?"

"We have to liv-"

"It's closer to the studio so we agreed to stay a house together so it doesn't mess up our timing for filming" Autumn cut the girl off

"Interesting. I always assumed you'd live alone" the man said

"Yeah well, you always assume wrong" Autumn mumbled before hooking her fingers around the glass of wine and bringing it to her lips

"What was that!?"

"Nothing" Autumn shrugged

Kate took in a deep breath before rubbing her temples slightly, looking between Autumn and her parents who still held their intense stare

"What are your other projects"

"I'm not working on any other, just one-"

"What!?" They both hissed

"What's wrong with only focusing on one movie?" Autumn asked

"What else are you supposed to do with that extra time?"

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