Chapter 54

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Narrator's pov


"What do you mean her parents are coming over!?" Ethan hissed

"They're literally on their way" Kate mumbled

"What the hell Katie!" Jamie groaned

"Last night they called and said they were on a jet over here, I guess it's urgent" Kate said into her phone

The trio were all on a call, the brunette was in her room tossing and flipping over her clothes to settle on one while the two others on the call were panicking

"What's gonna happen!"

"I think it's because of that article that was posted"

"Ooo Autumn's in trouble"

"She messed up this time" Jamie chuckled

"Would the two of you knock it off, it was just an article. Autumn's not quitting her career" Kate rolled her eyes as she pulled a shirt over her head

"Who knows, the girl's been in the industry for almost 20 year-"

"And others have been in even longer. She's just twenty" Kate said

"Either way, she had to have done something for them to come there in such a rush" Ethan said

"Or... Maybe.. Just maybe.. They had a change in heart and decided to start acting like her parents for once so they're rushing over to give her that missing love and support" Jamie giggled

"Ethan" Kate said


"Give her a slap behind the head for me"

"Yes ma'am"

"Ow!" Jamie hissed

"Do you honestly think people suddenly get sick change of heart in just seconds and act impulsively for this? They weren't being her parents her whole life, why the hell would they magically want to act better"

"People can sometimes have a change in their hearts" Jamie mumbled

"Yeah, but I don't think this is the case" Ethan argued

"Listen. All I'm saying is that we don't know why they're coming here but we do know that Autumn doesn't care" Jamie said

"Then why the hell are the three of us panicking?" Kate chuckled

"Because you're going to meet your future billionare in laws" Ethan smirked

"Excuse me?" the brunette snapped

"Yep, you're going to meet your rich in laws and you have to make sure to be on their good sides" Jamie grinned

Kate furrowed her brows at her two friends but her mind couldn't help but wonder to different places. She did feel a bit troubled inside at the fact that Autumn's parents were going to be in the house. From what she's heard, they were icy cold. Hell, they were the reason for Autumn even being so distant when she was a child. They've broke the girl's heart multiple times and to be under the same room with four Hesters is going to be crazy

Yes, four. Because apparently they adopted a daughter a few months ago and they hadn't even told Autumn about it

Talk about family values.

"And who says I'm meeting them?" Kate asked

"I love how she ignored the fact that we called them her in laws twice and she didn't even say anything" Jamie snickered

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