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I don't know how this happened.

Well, I know but it wasn't really a pleasurable experience for me.

You'd like to hear my miserable tale, how I have become an almost invisible cat?

Of course, you humans would love to read my tragic story.

I, Trixie, was a perfectly good pet cat who stayed with her owner, Francois. Francois is a crazy scientist who thinks of many great inventions *cough* fiction storylines *cough* and works upon them.

On a not-so-fine day, Francois wanted to make things invisible. Like, they're there but just not visible to us. It's difficult to explain.

Francois kept to himself in his lab, and kaboomed stuff (don't ask me what he did, I'm not a geek).

After what seemed like a week, the door opened and out came a...… floating set of clothes?

Ah, he must've succeeded in that madness invisibility liquid.

But his nose, it was red like a joker's. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

He came out floating with a bottle with him and he POURED THAT ICKY LIQUID ALL OVER MY LUSTROUS FUR!

I felt itchy, and my skin felt like being washed with freezing Antarctic water *shudders* and I was scratching myself and running around.

Let that lab be destroyed. He deserves it for making me go through this torture.

I don't know when I ran out of there and Francois shut the door. I was still itching like crazy, and jumping in the alley.


Oh no, I must be invisible and somebody must've heard the noises. Great, now people think I'm a creepy ghost.
I'm a smart kitty, I stopped screeching, ran out of the alley and hid near a garbage dumpster. Ah, how cats like to hide in these dumpsters.
Note the sarcasm.

When it was quiet, I slowly got out and looked in a car at my reflection.

Most of my body was invisible, but my bright green eyes and claws were still visible. So that's why the person freaked out.

Hmmm, what should I do? Live as a dumpster diver cat forever until the invisibility wears off, or try to get in my meow-friends’ coven?

That won't be a good idea. I should take a relaxing bath in a tub of dye, so that I can at least look like a proper cat. 😤

I peek around, making sure nobody's there. I remember a friend of Francois', who owns a hardware shop around here.

Deep breath, Trixie. You just have to go to that hardware store.

I start walking near the bushes so nobody spots me. I am walking peacefully when a paper ball bonks me over the head.

Am I a dustbin?

I scoff and keep walking. I spot the hardware store, not far away. I sneak in from the back gate and look around for a nice, fresh tub of black paint.

I jump in and relax in the tub. After some time I will be visible again till the invisibility wears off.
As simple as that.

I hear footsteps and the unmistakable voice of the owner…..

“Archie, your order of black paint is ready, it will be delivered by tomorrow.”

Oh shit.

Thanks for reading! Would you answer these few questions?

1) How good was the story?

2) Score on a scale of 1-10?

3) Should I continue this as a short story in 5-6 more chapters?

Fun fact: I don't know who was in a mood while writing this- me or the cat 😅

Drop your favourite cat emoji here for the smart lil kitty!

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