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After 5 minutes, they arrive. Two fat cops come out of their van, and I see the paranormal investigation dudes are also here.

And what?

They've come with the fast-food stall guy? Are they gonna have a party here when a "ghost" is on the loose?

“Charlie, make some nice-smelling food. We will lure the ghost here with the food. Make sure to add that ghost-attraction powder after you make it.”, says one of the cops.

These cops are crazy. What am I, a ghost looking for a girlfriend/boyfriend?

The paranormal dudes start their hocus-pocus and wear some crazy colored glasses. They definitely need some good glasses, do those colors and styles look like the latest fashion statement to them?!?!

One of them makes eye contact with me. Oh goddess, let me not be noticed by those dudes, I can't spend my whole life looking like a hooligan.

I let out a deep breath when he looked away, but I will not go anywhere before I eat something.

A cat needs her nutrition.

I slip in the park, and go around till I reach near the fast-food cart. The cook has already finished making the trap dish and is carrying it away to the cops.

I climb up the cart and jump in the food compartment. I smell yummy seasoned meat. I eat up as much as I can in a minute before the cook is back.

Peeking from the lid, I climb out of it and slip in back to the park.

Well, that went better than I expected…….. 😌

*yawn* I'm really tired, let's take a break. I curl up in a ball and fall asleep on a tree.
I wake up by listening to kids' party music. What the heck?

I stand on the branch and look. A kid's birthday party is going on and the cake is below my tree. Good luck intensifies.

I am watching the kids be partying and here I am, stuck in a tree with a cake below me. Such jealousy.


I am startled by the sound, and I fall from the tree. FRICKING CRACKERS!

Guess what I landed in? A poor kid's birthday cake. 🎂

Of course, I can't let the cake go to waste. I lick and eat up the cake and go in the pond to clean myself. I don't care if the pond has black paint in it.

I clean out the cake from my invisible-but-still-amazing fur and get out of the pond. By now, the cops have left and the area is still empty. I walk out of the park.

I check out myself in a car's mirror. I look like a translucent cat?

Yep, I do look like a translucent cat because of bathing in that black pond. At least I got some progress.

But I still gotta get to my home. Kitty can't stay without the back rubs. 😌

A/N: Not really the best, but I'm trying to make the next two better :)

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