Chapter 30

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"Group hug!" Grey rushed towards me and Bella and pulled us into a group hug.

"Greyson Scott! We are not kids anymore!" Bella protested but chuckled anyway.

"I don't care. I'm gonna miss you two a lot though."

"I'm gonna miss you two too, have fun but be safe, okay?" I said, pulling away from the hug. "And Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday in advanced."

It was 3 days before Christmas, and the last day of work before the long holiday. Everyone in the office basically wishing each others a Happy Christmas and Happy Holiday. Bella, Grey, and I switched Christmas presents as we wouldn't be meeting until the next year. I got an Elf sweater from Bella and.. you wouldn't believe what Grey gave me for my present.

It was a set of lingerie!

Who even bought their friend a set of lingerie for Christmas presents? Let me tell you something.. my guy, Greyson Scott did. He, whom I quoted "You will be spending Christmas night in the city of love, might as well wear this sexy cloths and it's time to lose your V-card, babes." did it.

I really wanted to smack him in the face but I loved this guy a lot. He could be an idiot sometimes but Grey was our ray of sunshine. But I would be damned if I wore this lingerie in front of Arthur. Also, it wasn't like 'it' would happen in Paris.

He hadn't initiate it. He never touched me that way. The furthest we had gone was me going down on him and vice versa. But truthfully, I had hoped something more would happen when we left to Paris.

"See you next year guys!"

We parted our ways at the lobby. Looking for Arthur, I just realized that he was not here yet which kind of surprised me because he was never late. I took a seat at the lobby, waiting for him, he was probably stuck on a traffic or something.

"Aren't you going home?"

I looked over to my side to find Matthew, whom I hadn't seen for a week. He was always present in the office but I hadn't seen him around. The last time I saw him was when we both visited Olivia's grave.

I stood up. "Hey. I'm just waiting for Arthur to pick me up."

He nodded his head but looked everywhere. "So erm, how have you been?"

Things had been pretty awkward between us ever since we found out that we were relative now. Matthew was basically my brother in law.

"I've been good. It's tough but, I will be okay, eventually." I said truthfully. "I didn't see you around the office."

This time he finally looked at me. "Yeah, I kept myself busy in my office room. I'm not trying to be rude but I just discovered that one of my employees is my sister in law."

"Well if you want to know my opinion, I feel the same as well. I just discovered that I actually have a twin sister, whom sadly had passed away, and the husband is my boss. Surely I don't know what to feel." I shrugged, having the urge to laugh at how irony my life was.

"I'm so sorry. I hope this won't make things awkward between us. You're practically a part of my family too now."

I looked at him and offered my hand. "I'm sorry too. No hard feelings, right?"

He nodded and took my hand. "No hard feelings."

"Good. Because the last thing I want is a cold war with my brother in law." I said playfully, hoping to lighten the awkwardness.

He chuckled. "You're literally my sister now. I'm not sure what to feel about it."

I rolled my eyes. "Uh hello? I can be a nice sister, you know. I'm the best sister you've ever had."

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