chapter 10

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I thought about what she said she looked kinda nervous I then say.

Ryo: in all honesty I don't think I'd really care if you was a devil or something else I think your a good person and I guess your . . . tolerable.

I looked away at the last word as I could feel my face heat up a little I heard sona sigh and then say.

Sona: well I am a devil and what would you do if I told you the whole student council was also devil's.

Ryo: you mean half devil's.

I saw her look at me confused.

Ryo: I've used observe on them I can see that they are definitely still half human.

Sona: oh yeah.

Ryo: and I'm going to take a guess and say your there boss and senior devil.

Sona: very good ryo yes.

I don't know why but I like being praised.

Sona: yes I'd like to tell you about the devil system is that ok.

I nodded.

Sona: ok well to start off a devil group is known as a peerage only a high class devil can have unless certain requirements are made that said I am a high-class devil the peerage system is like the chess pieces in front of us.

She then picked up the king piece.

Sona: this is the king the boss of the other chess pieces now in each peerage they have a piece in them the number of which very's on the power they can hold take saji and ruruko they both are my pawns but there scales in power are different ruruko is stronger then saji right now but because of saji's sacred gear one day he'll be even stronger then her now about there pieces saji took 3 pieces  and a new of those turned in to a mutation piece I'll explain what that is in a minute.

Author: forgot she had 2 pawns so I'm making it where saji has 3 pieces and ruruko has one.

Sona: now ruruko only has one piece but that doesn't mean she's weak people think that pawns are weak but they have the most potential if I was to declare the school enemy territory then while saji and ruruko are in it they can promote themselves by saying promote to let's say knight if they do that then there speed increases or if they say rook then there strength is increased or maybe bishop then there magic attacks will go up and if they say promote to queen then well all of the others that I told you about are increased do you understand.

I nodded.

Sona: ok then now on to mutation pieces mutation pieces are very rare 1 mutation piece is equal to that of 8 regular pieces they can hold so much power in them that it still surprises me I my have 4 mutation pieces in my evil pieces that's what they are usually referred too.

I nodded.

Sona: now on to the other pieces.

Ryo: I don't think you need to do that I believe that I understand them.

Sona: would you mind telling me how.

I nodded.

Ryo: as you said if a pawn promoted themselves to a knight then there speed would go up strength with the rook magic power with the bishop and with the queen all of them go up I'm only to assume that the other pieces are like knight goes with speed rook goes with strength bishop magic and the queen is a combination of them all.

I saw her eyes widened as I say this but I also see this.

Congratulations you figured out how most of the devil system works here's your rewards.

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