When you die of suicide⚠️ | Park Jimin

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It hurts...Psychically and mentally. All I wanted was happiness, I deserve it, don't I? No. I don't, otherwise this wouldn't happen to me. My dad was right...

I don't deserve to live,
I'm unworthy,
No one will ever love me,
I'm just a disappointment.

I always sat in the same spot, looking at a picture of my mum, she was such a beautiful woman, she was my inspiration, without her here, it felt like a hole in my heart. Without realising, tears cascaded down my cheeks and onto the picture frame.

"Mum I miss you so much, I don't wanna be here anymore..." I hugged the picture frame as more tears escapes my eyes.

"P-please come back! I need you!" I shouted as I looked up to the ceiling, hoping she would hear me.

I heard the front door open and my eyes widened as my heart began to race, I quickly ran to the bathroom to wash the tears off my face. I looked at the mirror, my skin was pale, except for the purple bruises that are across my face. my eyes lost their shine, the colour was dull and lifeless. I looked as dead as I felt inside.

"Y/N! Get down here now!" I heard my fathers voice echo throughout the house, my breath hitches and I instantly made my way downstairs to see my father's angry eyes staring back at mine.

"Have you forgotten something?" His eyes trailed towards the empty table and my eyes widened in realisation, before I could utter another word, my cheek was stinging from where my dad slapped me. "You useless fucking bitch, go up to your room." He spat with venom, not an ounce of remorse. I mutter a 'sorry' and ran back upstairs to my bedroom and slammed the door shut. I heard my phone ringing and looked to see Jimin's name popping up, I ignored it and grabbed a knife from my drawer.

My fingers trailed over the red marks on my inner arm, I glanced at the floor where my mum's picture frame was, "I'm gonna finally see you again mum..." I held the knife over my wrist, slicing the skin deeply, and I saw the blood dropping to the ground. My vision got blurry and the last thing I saw was Jimin bursting through the door.

I watched Jimin kneeling by my grave, tears pouring out of his precious eyes.
My heart broke as I watched my best friend and the love of my life broken apart.
"W-why Y/N?" He croaked out.

"Why did you leave me like that? Wasn't my love for you enough?" My heart skipped a beat as I looked at him in shock.

"I loved you so fucking much...I called you that day to ask you to meet me so I could confess." My eyes got glassy as a sad smile crept onto my lips.

"I wished you could've told me Y/N, I would've done everything in my power to help you." He sobbed out as he grabbed his hair in frustration.

"That son of a bitch is in prison, it's a small bit of justice for you..." he grinds his teeth in anger as his hands were clenched.

" but I wish I knew how broken you were...you really didn't know how loved you were Y/N, you were so beautiful, amazing, and you only deserved happiness...but now you're an angel, my precious little angel..." I wiped my tears as I chuckle at the nickname he always gave me.

"Our love story was finished before it even began, but now loving you was the most beautiful and the most painful thing I've ever done... He put my favourite flower, lotus, infront of my grave.

...but in a million lifetimes I would always choose you." He stood up as he wipes his own tears from his eyes.

hope you will watch over me until I'm up there with you, my angel." He looked up at the clear blue sky and I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

"I will see you soon, my love." He sadly smiles while caressing my grave before walking away.

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