lust and hunger- chapter 9

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Your POV-

*on the plane/jet idrk what it is💀*

"Okay, so this unsub is clearly sadistic. He gets off on raping these women and enjoys  killing them" Emily says. "But the way he positioned them shows that he has remorse. I mean look at the women, all of their clothes were new, their hair was fixed, and they were faced down when he dumped them" you say looking at one of the pictures. "So you're saying we're dealing with a sadistic unsub... that shows remorse?" Rossi asks. "That makes no sense" he says. "I agree, it's weird" you say looking at him, shrugging. "Okay, Y/L/N and Reid, go to the dumpsite. We need a fresh set of eyes. Prentiss and Morgan, go talk to the latest victims family and see if there was anything in common between the victims. "JJ, go to the precinct and get settled. Dave and I will go to the morgue to talk to the doctor." Hotch says, nodding to the team. 


You and Reid pull up to the dump site next to a local trail. As you step out of the black car, the blazing, Florida heat hits you. "Wow it's so hot here" you said, fanning yourself. "You can say that again" Reid said putting on his sun glasses. You walked over to the dumpsite and bent under the yellow tape that said "CRIME SCENE, DO NOT CROSS" 

"Hi. I'm SSA Y/N Y/L/N and this is Dr. Spencer Reid" you said shaking one of the cop's hand. Spencer just waved at him. "Tell me about the body" you said looking at the blood stained spot in the ground. "Well a lady named Aria Gold found her, this morning when we was jogging." the cop said. "Other than what you already know, we don't really have any new information to give you. I'm sorry" he said before walking off. "Thank you" you smiled at him. "Hey Y/N come look at this" Reid said as he bent over the dump spot. He put on blue gloves and picked up a small cigarette butt. Be bagged it for evidence. "Hey, Reid?" you asked. "On the pictures that JJ showed us this morning, didn't it show that all the victims were cleaned up?" you asked. "Yeah, he gave them new clothes, did their hair, and cleaned them up, why?" he asked looking at you. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Then whose blood is this?" you ask pointing to the stained grass. "Huh" he says, leaning over. "I have no idea" You chuckle. "Well that's a first" you joke. "Haha, very funny, Y/L/N" Reid says. 


back at the precinct-

"So did you and Reid find anything at the crime scene?" Hotch asks you as you lean back in your chair and cross your legs. "Yeah, actually we did. I noticed this morning when JJ showed us the pictures of the victims, they were all... clean. They had new clothes, their hair was fixed, he even painted their nails, but there was a lot of blood at the crime scene." you said, tilting your head to the left. "Yeah, it was unusual considering that the clothes looked clean, at least in the pictures" Reid said as he put a hand on the back of your chair. Morgan dialed Garcia on the phone. "Hey baby girl" he said. "Talk dirty to me" she said. "You're on speaker, baby" he said. "Well, I pay more for group sessions" she joked. You laughed. "What can you tell us about the victim? Her name was Dahlia Johnson. She lived in Tampa, Florida" Morgan said as he put his phone on the round table we were all sitting at. "One minuet, my love" she said. You could hear her quickly typing on her keyboard. "Okay! Dahlia Johnson... she was 19 years old, she went to Tampa Highschool, she was on the volleyball team, was a good student, but got her license taken away for a few months" she said. "Why?" you asked leaning forward in your chair. "Texting while on the highway. She collided with the car in front of her. Oh damn, that was a pretty bad accident. She got fined, got her license taken away for 3 months and stayed in prison for 8 nights." Garcia said. "Wow. Didn't expect that." Rossi said. "Yeah neither did I" Emily said. "Hey Garcia? Can you take a look at another name?" you asked leaning closer to the phone. "Of course my sweet, hit me" she said. "The name's Heather... what was her last name?" you asked. "Jolinski" Reid said. "Heather Jolinski?" you asked over the phone. "Okay, be right back" she said then she hung up the phone. 

"Why'd you want to know about Heather?" JJ asked. "I wanted to see if anything else connected the victims beside the fact that they looked the same. Like tickets, temporary jail time. Things like that" you said. "That's actually smart" Hotch said. He picked up his phone and dialed Garcia. "Yes sir?" she asked. "Hey can you cross reference Dahlia Johnson and Heather Jolinski to see if anything comes up that's the same?" he asked. "What do you mean?" she asked. "Like if they both had to go to prison for a few nights or if they both got tickets for speeding?" he elaborated. "Of course, boss" she said. We heard her fingers quickly typing on her board. "Um... okay here! It seems like they both had to spend a little over a week in prison for texting and driving which led to a crash." she said. 


that night back at the motel-

The team and you step out of the car and stand in front of the motel. You go to the front desk and Hotch talks to the lady sitting at the counter. "We need 7 rooms." he says. "Sorry, we only have 4 rooms... you're going to have to double up" she says and hands him keys. "Okay, thank you" he says. 

He walks over to the team and tells us. "Some of us will have to double up. They don't have enough room for all of us. There's have one extra room so one person can sleep by themself" he explains. 

Your eyes immediately go over to Hotch and he looks at you. You can tell he's trying to keep himself from smirking. "Okay, so... Reid and Morgan you two will double up" Hotch says. Morgan groans and Spencer looks a little embarrassed. "I'm joking, kid; lets go." Morgan laughs as he messes up Reid's hair. "I'm sleeping alone!" Rossi yells before practically running down the hall. "Oh, ok and there's that." Hotch says. "Prentiss and JJ?" Hotch asks. Prentiss gives you that look and you mouth "shut up" back to her. Her and JJ give you a small laugh before walking down the hall. JJ turns around and winks at me. You roll you eyes and give her a sarcastic smile. "So looks like its us" Hotch says. "That's right, buddy" you say as you pat him on the shoulder before walking towards the room. 


ooh what's gonna happen between you and hotch at the motel😏

hehe idk i might post another chapter tomorrow if i feel like it soo yeahh

i have so much homework and im not in the mood. like lowkey might play hooky tomorrow oop-

oh alsooo!!!

im taking forensics!! no, not just because of criminal minds. ive always wanted to do that kind of stuff and i watched criminal minds because of it!! but im really excited and lowkey kinda nervous- 

anyways, love u all <3

lust and hunger | aaron hotchner  [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now