lust and hunger- chapter 16

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(A/N: OMG THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER🥺 Brace yourselves... this is going to be a rough chapter)

Third Person POV-

The prison guard slid open the jail cell and Hotch stepped inside. 

"Agent Hotchner, what a surprise. To what do I owe this pleasure?" Patrick Shepard slyly asked, an evil grin spread across his face. "You killed her. You killed the woman I loved." Hotch said, as tears streamed down his face. "And you're going to fucking pay for what you did." 


50 Hours Earlier-

"Medics! Over here!" Morgan called out, waving his arms as Hotch carried a limp Y/N out of the building. They quickly brought a stretcher and Hotch gently placed her on it, not letting go of her hand. "Sir, you're going to have to let go of her." one of the doctors said. "C-can I go with you?" Hotch frantically asked. "Yes, sir but you need to hurry." "Hotch, we'll meet you at the hospital once we drop this bastard off at the station." Rossi called out, climbing in an SUV with the rest of the team as he shoved Shepard into the back seat.

Hotch climbed in the ambulance and sat next to Y/N, gently rubbing small circles in her arm. "Y/N if you can hear me, please hold on. You're going to be okay. I-I love you and I should have said it sooner. I'm so sorry." he sobbed as he looked at her lifeless body. He grimaced at the sight of her chest weakly falling and rising. 

"Pressures failing, get an oxygen mask on her, now!" one of the doctors yelled. "Come on, Ms Y/LN, stay with me!" she said, as she put the mask on her. 

oh, btw don't come at me if im using wrong medical terms or shit like that. even though i watch greys anatomy, i have no fucking clue what they mean🤠

Then Hotch heard it. What he feared. The long beep on the monitor and one of the doctors calling out, "She's flatlining! Start chest compressions and CPR, we're losing her!" "Sir, you have to move." one of the doctors told Hotch. "Y-yeah I-I'm sorry." he said, sitting in a seat in the ambulance. His head spun and his heart throbbed in his chest. 

"Okay, sir, she's stable but she's till weak. She needs to go into surgery because when Mr. Shepard stabbed her, he punctured her spleen." the doctor calmly said, looking at Hotch's frantic face. "O-okay." he responded. 

A few moments later, they arrived at the hospital. "Out of the way! Out of the way!" the paramedics called out to the people standing in the lobby as they rolled Y/N's stretched through the hospital and into an elevator. 

"Sir, you're going to have to wait down here. I'll send someone to get you soon." one of the doctors calmly said, giving Hotch a sympathetic look. "O-o-okay, j-just make sure she's ok." he responded. 


"Hotch!" JJ called out, running into the hospital. She wrapped him in a warm hug. "I'm so sorry." she said, pain in her voice. "Where is she? Is she okay?" Rossi asked, sitting next to Hotch. "I-I don't know. They took her up a few minutes ago but I didn't hear anything yet." Hotch replied, pacing back and forth. "Okay, Hotch you need to take a deep breath. She's going to be okay." Morgan reassured. He got up and came back a few moments later with a bottle of cold water and gave it to Hotch. "Here, drink." he said. "Thanks." Hotch nodded and downed the cold water.

A few hours later, Penelope came rushing into the hospital. "I-I heard what happened. I came as soon as I could." she said, tears pricking her eyes. Morgan walked up to her and pulled her into a hug as she silently cried into his shirt.

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