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The idea for Ticktock Love came to me while I was doing research for a YA thriller. 

Crazy, right? Yet instead of red herrings, I stumbled upon a Youtube video of a Swedish exchange student complaining about her newest dress code, fell down the commentary rabbit hole, and switched my goal to a Teen Romance/Coming-of-Age novel.

Writing a book is rarely a solitary mission, and this one was no exception. Before I even published the first chapter, I already had a team of supporters cheering me from the first letter of my outline.

dauntlist, you have been a spectacular editor and an even better best friend. Thank you for beta reading my chapters even when I sent them at crazy hours (exhibit A: editing a chapter at three in the morning. How is anyone supposed to compete with that?) You rock harder than your most hated name – good thing you have two.

Szganjar, you have not only taken pity on me when you saw my atrocious attempt of a cover, but you then ended up making me TWO of them. No amount of sushi and hugs will ever be enough to repay you.

LooksForDoves, thank you for the gif-laden hype about my work, and for indulging me in pun wars and inspiring parts of Julia's personality. There are only two people in the world who would lose an organ and just mention it matter-of-factly, yet only one of them is fictional.

OndejSedlk, it takes a great amount of patience to love a writer. It takes an even greater amount of coffee. Thank you for providing me with both and encouraging me to write even when I would dramatically announce that I was quitting the craft forever, which happened more times than I am willing to admit. And finally, thank you for being the best Aiden template I could have asked for. (Even though you hate snow.)

And thank you, my ex-roommate Liz, for letting me steal your name for my main protagonist. I loved it and cherished it.

Naturally, once the first chapter had been posted, the Wattpad community played a big role in shaping this story.

Thank you, ZJPWrites, for becoming my Wattpad bestie, sharing Wattpad and real-life tips, teaching me awesome British expressions, and advertising my book better than I do it myself.

Thank you, miranda-elise, for being the first reader who liked and stuck with my work.

Thank you, whereagardenwas, for commenting on my chapters like clockwork, always one minute after I would publish them. That instant vote made me grin many, many times.

Thank you, florescencee, for the comment storms you have left me in all the scenes that contained Aiden.

Thank you, iridescentstardust, sweetseraphs, SweetnessInTheSalt, Emelradine, SkyJWright, for faithfully reading and commenting on my chapters since the early ones. All your comments and the inbox hype meant the world to me.

Thank you, swaggerism, for an amazing review and help with my first chapter and the blurb. I am still in awe.

Thank you, all of my readers, mentioned and unmentioned, for reading and supporting my work. I can assure you that every one of your comments has put a smile on my face.

Thank you, Wattpad HQ, for creating this wonderful platform that made all of this possible.

We are all in this journey together, and I am grateful I got to share my own with you.

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