Chapter 19 🌘 What's Normal

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Abigail's pov.

My life's not normal anymore.

My child is not normal anymore.

What the fuck is normal anymore?

Okay, so I'm cleaning the kitchen and something straight outta the movie The Sword In the Stone happens.

We're talking a magic mess from hell!

Dishes being yanked from my hand-washed half-assed.

Mops and brooms flying around not doing a good job.

By the time the fucking magic show ended I had more than when I started.

No joke.

Mop water everywhere.

Soap everywhere.

I get it.

Her intentions were to help momma clean the kitchen.


Well, that's what I'd at least like to believe.

But now I need backup help.


I yell.

He appears.

"Oh my, what has she gone and done now."


"Well, she did a magical job of cleaning our kitchen you see?"


"Now I need your help getting it all cleaned up."

I say defeated.

"Do I look like a cleaning robot?"

"Do I look like one? Come on please help me! I'll be here for hours if you don't."

I give him puppy dog eyes.

I'm not sure if he can even be affected by.

"Fine. What are we going to do about her magic messing things up?"

He asks like I fucken know.

He can call Captain an all.

What the fuck can I do?

"Well, maybe you should tell your Captain about this shit too? Hua?"

I say sarcasm evident in my tone.

He is a rattle tale and all.

"That's a great idea."

He monotones.

I go to stop him but...

"Captain Ommara has destroyed the kitchen and now we have to clean it all up."

No response.

No poof and there he is.


So we begin to clean up this ruckus.

I'm not fucking doing backflips over it either.

About twenty minutes in poof Zolk arrives.

Of course, he doesn't speak he just magics it all up in like one minute.

He gives me an intense look.

Then poof he's gone again.

At least it didn't take hours.

Or days.

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