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Cassandra's POV

as i walked home, i kept blushing and i couldn't stop thinking about avani. she deserves so much better than what she's getting.

i wish we got to finish our conversation.

i can't help but wonder if she really loves him.

like, if she's in love with him. it's obvious she cares, but in love? probably not anymore.

now, laying on my bed, i can't stop wondering. i know i'm not going to get an answer from my ceiling. my thoughts continue to ask does she love him but there's no real way of knowing.

besides, would she date a girl?

why am i thinking this?

she's in a relationship.

sure it's a toxic one, but it still matters to her.

and now it's 3am and i'm not going to get any sleep.

so i write my feelings down.

and then it hits me. i could write her a letter.

so on a fresh sheet of paper i start writing some of what i'm thinking. and when it feel it's good, i fold it up in an envelope, and put on a sweater.

i leave my house close to 4am. i move quietly so that i don't wake my mom up.

i know where avani lives, as weird as that sounded. she's famous. it wasn't that hard to figure out.

i walk for about half an hour until i recognize the street name.

so i get to her house and look around. no lights were on, which is a good thing. i don't want to get caught by anyone in avani's family.

"where should i put this?" i whisper to myself. i realize the easiest place would be her mailbox.

i shake my head, realizing how stupid i am, and head for the mailbox.

"this is so corny," i say to myself. i'm leaving her a love letter. in her mailbox.

the envelope just had avani's name, so i'm hoping no one but her opens it. i could get us both into trouble if anyone else does.

as i'm walking out the gate, i let it go too soon and it slams shut a little too loudly. i cringe and shut it slowly, looking up at the house. and then i see a light go on.

my heart stops.

which is not good, because i realize i should run.

so i take off into a sprint and hope no one sees me.

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when i get home, i make my way up to my room very quietly. my mom doesn't show any sign of waking up, so i assume i'm good.

it's now close to 5am, and i know i'm not going to sleep tonight. tonight. it's literally 5 in the morning.

so instead i grab my phone.

and while scrolling through instagram i see a tiktokroom post. it's a video of avani and anthony fighting outside the restaurant.

"uh oh," i whisper to myself.

i watch it and feel a pang in my chest. i'm hurting for avani. and longing for her.

i shake my head to clear it. "no," i say out loud to myself. i cannot have any sort of feelings towards avani, unless they're platonic. my letter expresses that. i just want to be her friend.

really badly.

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e.j.'s notes:
these chapters are kind of short but whatever.
how do you like it so far?

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