📘Birthday party🧨

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   I may...or may not...be running out of ideas...

3rd person pov

Today was Red's birthday. He woke up like he usually does but louder. This was the one day of the year when he could get as drunk as he wanted, and he had an excuse! "It's my birthday" is what he would say, and even though that doesn't give him the power to do whatever he wanted, people shrugged it off. People including also Blue. Blue did care about him but he had to accept the fact that it was his birthday. In a way, he could do whatever he wanted, as long as it didn't harm anyone of course. If anyone, he only harmed his liver, already in bad shape. Red was walking around the house, screaming songs and his own name for no reason in particular except for the fact, of course, it's his birthday. Blue woke up groggily after working all night. Luckily he had today off. Though it would be ruined by Red wanting to go to the bar. Well not entirely, he liked hanging out with his friend of course, but he did not like going to the bar. The only drink he got regularly was the Pina Colda. Considered a "weak" drink by Red, he didn't want to be teased of again. This year Blue planned on giving Red a gift, but it was really expensive. He worked as long as he could, legally. He was supposed to buy it last night but he forgot that the item was no longer on sale. There was no way he could get that gift now, without not paying taxes for months. That isn't the worst part. The worst part is that he had already promised he had got him a great gift. What "great gift" was he gonna get him? He only worked minuman wage after all. He did think about just saying happy birthday to him and that being his "gift" but he quickly decided against it, it wasn't someone he hardly knew, it was his best friend since Kindergarten! What could he possibly get him that would be so great? Either way through all of this thinking, he still got out of bed and had to think of something quick. "Hey Red, happy birthday" He said. Red smiled and screamed "THANK YOU!" Blue rubbed the sides of his head, where his ears would be if he wasn't a stick figure, and asked "Red do you have to be so loud?" "Yep" Red said, nodding. "It's my birthday." "Of course it is, I already knew that." Blue said. "Can we go noooowwww?" Red asked. Blue looked at the time, it was only 9 in the morning. It was odd for him to want to go to the bar so early, he just usually went there to meet Stacy. As long as he didn't have to see her, it should be fine for him relatively. Blue pulled out his wallet, knowing that he would have to pay, and said "Sure, it's a little early though." Red said, or more like shouted, "I don't give a fuuuuuuccckkkk" He giggled and grasped his hand. They ran out to the car together, though Red being more dragged. Blue got in the driver side while Red got in the passenger side, his face blushed. He drove to the bar and got out of the car. They both went in, Blue ordered a Piña colada. Unsuprisngly, Red teased him about it with "Daaammnnn Blue, you gotta step up your game." "I like this, it's sweet." He replied, sipping on his fruit cocktail. Red sighed and bought some booze, mainly vodka, with Blue's money. Though it was annoying to Blue, it was not at all surprising. He did this every year and his 23rd birthday was no expectation. After getting intoxicated Red babbled on about random things. Blue listened on to his nonsense, it was quite humorous. After telling quite a few tales, Red fell over. Blue picked him up and put him in the backseat. When Blue said to fasten his seat belt, he pouted and replied "No!" "Here..." Blue sighed, opening the backside door. "Lemme just...there we go!" He had fastened his seat belt quite quickly. Blue drove them both to the mall while Red was again, a flustered mess. Though it only lasted for a few seconds, Red could not get over how he...enjoyed his help. It was just a bit above his waist after all...Red soon fell asleep. "RED!" Blue said, standing in front of Red with the backside door opened again. "Oh uh...sorry Blue..." He sighed and took his hand, running into the mall, his own face a light blue. "Gah! You d-don't have t-to be so fast, Blue!" Red said. Blue stopped when they were in the center of the mall. He sighed happily and asked "So where do you wanna go first for your present?" Red looked at him, confused and replied "I don't a-already have i-it?" He giggled and responded "No, unless you count your booze a present." "That's n-not..." Red looked down, embarrassed. "...what I-I meant..." Now Blue was confused. What would his present be? He hasn't even seen any girls today, Blue thought. Red scooted closer to him and mumbled "Y-Your my p-present..." "What was that?" Blue asked. "I-I-I said your m-my present..." Red responded, louder than before. "I-I...I-I am?" Blue questioned. He was pleasantly surprised.Red nodded. Blue attempted to subtly hold hands with him but he smirked before he kissed Blue! Blue grew red, no actually, blue faced. Once he pulled away, Blue was shaking slightly, not knowing how to react. His heart was still racing a mile a hour. Red looked down sadly and asked "So...you don't feel the s-same, do you?" Blue looked him dead in the eyes, or at least as much as he could, and said "Red, I really really do...i-in fact I-" He cut himself off, scared that all of this was just because of Red being drunk. "You what?" Red asked. "Nothing let's just...uh go home..." Blue replied. Red had to be practically dragged out of the mall. Blue drove while Red slept. By the time they got home it was 9 PM, the mall was quite a distance away. Red woke up and walked in to see just Blue playing some video games. When he noticed him, he paused his game and asked "So...can w-we talk?" Red sat down on the couch next to him and said "Yeah, of course. What's up?" "Well..." he took a deep breath. "...you s-said I w-was your present and you k-kissed me..." Red's face grew hot and responded with a quiet "S-Sorry..." "That's n-not what worried m-me..." Blue continued. "What d-did was...whether y-you meant that..." "Well I-I uh..." Red responded, nervously giggling. "It's a-a yes o-or no question!" Blue shouted, tears forming in his eyes from the fact it could have just been him being drunk. "Ok f-fine, I-I did..." Blue smiled and kissed him briefly. Red was left speechless, red faced and all, while Blue giggled. Blue snuggled up to Red. This only made Red more red faced. "Goodnight Red" Blue said. "G-Goodnight b-baby Blue" Red responded. They both fell asleep peacefully, Blue snuggled up to Red.

Word count: 1216 words

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